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-2 weeks later-

[Damian's study 5:02pm]



"Are we friends?"

"Maybe. Why?"

Damian was too focused on his book to actually be engaged with the conversation.

"Cassie and Vince are hanging out more than usual."

'I could say the same for us' Damian thought but decided against saying it.

"They're best friends."

Bella put her head in her palm in defeat.

"I miss her."

Damian put his book down and stared at Bella not knowing what to say.

'What do guys usually do to comfort girls?' Damian thought. 'Uh...'


"Don't you miss hanging out with Vince?"

"We have game night every Saturday."

Damian shrugged. 'Guys are thankfully more simple minded' he thought.

Bella sighed.

"That's all you do? Games?"

"Pretty much."

"What about deep talks?"

"Eh... those are rare. I mostly talk about that stuff with you anyway."

The last part was true . Damian usually kept his own controversial opinions and feelings to himself. However, Bella made it so easy to talk about . He wondered how she did that, especially since he despised her presence. 'I guess having the feeling of "no strings attached" really do make you more open.'

"You really don't talk about your feelings much, do you?"

"Not really."

Bella's phone started to ring and she slipped it out of her back-pocket before answering.


Her face started to visibly pale. Damian noticed and gave her a quizzical stare.

"Yes but it was prepared carefully. I promise!"



She started packing her things, her phone between her head and her shoulder to keep the conversation going.

"Yes, mom... I love you too."

She put the phone down and sank in her seat, her eyes glossy. Damian sat in his seat looking concerned. Bella was never the type to cry so easily and to Damian, this was very alarming.


Bella slowly looked up to Damian, her lips trembling. She took in a deep breath and sucked as much sadness back inside of her. She wouldn't let Damian see this side of her, out of all people. She picked up her bag and headed out the study without another word.

Knowing Bella, Damian decided not to follow after her. She was her own person and he knew she would tell him whatever happened in her own time. However, he couldn't help but feel a sense of concern for the girl. She'd been seen as the 'tough' girl compared to Cassie, he didn't know how far it'd take till she broke.

When seeing her broken expression, he wanted nothing more than to hug her and take her away to a place where no one could hurt her. He couldn't do that though. He had no right. He could barely be considered a friend to her. Ironically, he did want to hurt her for pranking him.

Damian stayed put in the study, his head hung low looking at his palms with interest. He tried not to think about it but the more he tried, the more the thought expanded.

He shut his eyes in annoyance for a second before getting up from his position.

Whatever was bothering Bella was worth caring about, he concluded.

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