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[Sidewalk 6:48 pm]

"My little pony."

"Vince, you've said that 5 times already."


Bella couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm so done with you guys."

Vince grumbled. Cassie hugged him from the side, cooing at his new tattoo.

"It's a cutie pie!"

"Pinky pie."

"I can't believe you know its name."

"Shut up."


Damian stretches his arms.

"I'm kinda beat."

"Me too."

"I feel like my arm is losing blood."

"It kind of is."

Cassie pokes his arm and he flinched away, breathing in sharply from the pain.

"Sorry bub."


Cassie pouted, then her eyes lit up and she turned to Bella.

"Bella, that guy doing the tattoo was so cute, holy sheeshkababs."

"I love how you don't swear."

Bella put her arm around Cassie and they started walking in sync. Vince and Damian on the other hand, walked in silence towing after the girls.

"And yes that guy is perfection."

"I want to eat him."

Cassie whined.

Bella hit her on the head.

"You have a boyfriend!"

Cassie winced.

"Look but no touch."

Cassie stuck her tongue out playfully.

"Yeah, sure."

Bella laughed.

Little did they know that behind them, Vince was thinking the exact same thing.

"Hey, Vince- what makes a girl hot?"

"I don't know. Personality?"

"Hm. Ok but like... boobs or—"

Vince got a headache just thinking about that.

"I'd say eyes."

He thought back to those blue orbs back at Denvise tattoo shop. He shook his head again. 'What the hell am I thinking?'

"Oh sh*t yeah. Did you see Daniella's eyes? Goddamn. It's like looking into the ocean."

"I thought you liked Cassie."

"Dude, you know me. I don't stick to one."

Damian awkwardly laughed. He still felt uncomfortable with being open about his real thoughts, especially with Vince since they were best friends and he didn't want Vince to feel like he's lied to him his whole life. The thought disappointed him. Disappointed himself.

"That... is true."

Damian's heart sank. 'What's the point?'

"Hey, you guys!"


"We're having a camping trip this Wednesday."

"But don't we have school on Thursday?"

"Dumba**, it's a public holiday. Don't you ever check your schedule?"

Bella shook her head at him and turned back to chatting with Cassie.

"I'm in."

Vince said skipping and running up to Cassie and pulling her away from Bella.

"Switch partners Bella."


Bella begrudgingly slowed her pace to match Damian's. She stuck out her foot in front of him and he tripped. Unfortunately for her, he didn't fall on his face.

"B*tch, what'd you do that for?"

"I felt like it."

"You really feel like pissing me off all the goddamn time?"

"Yeah it's fun."

Bella smiled and Damian sighed in annoyance.

'This is gonna be a long camping trip...'

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