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"Hello! Did you know that—"

"Shut the f*ck up and use your real voice please?"

"Since you asked so nicely..."



"Well f*ck you. I sound like a complete moron talking to Siri if I put you on speaker"

"ha ha ha you do not need me to sound like a complete moron. You are doing fine yourself."

"You're a f*cking weirdo. Who did this?"

"I was born like this."

"I meant who changed my contacts, b*tch. I don't wanna know where your f*cking weirda** personality came from."

"Well, a**hole, I will tell you if you can guess who I am."

"You're Gisele from f*cking enchanted."

"I wish."

"You're the nobody at our school."

"No. I am your girlfriend."


"ha ha ha ha"

"I am just kidding, I am no one's girlfriend. I would never dream of being with you."

"You know, almost every girl has followed me around begging to be noticed."

"You are just as egoistical as they say. I fear for your future wife."

"You're just jealous."

"Did you know that an elephant's tooth can weigh--"

"Can you please stop with the bullsh*t?"

"-- as much as a bowling ball? And it is a fact."

"It is not bullsh*t. If it were, it should be coming from your own mouth."

"..." *beep*


A/N: IM BACKKK! AND ITS SUMMER HOLIDAYYY - sort of. ANYWAYYY I hope to continue this story :3


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