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[Damian's house 5:03 pm]


Bella stood before the house, taking a good long look at it.


Damian was already headed inside.

"Home sweet home."

"Is this where you always bring girls on a first date?"

"Are you assuming this is a date?"

"No. Gross."

Bella grimaced and Damian chuckled under his breath.

"No, I don't bring girls here."

"Good, because that's creepy. Tip for you, don't bring girls home on a first date."

"Why is that creepy?"

"Because they'll think you'll... unvirginize them."

Damian laughed.

"Stop having the impression that I think women are s*x toys, b*tch."

"Well you're a f*ck boy. F*ck. Boy. I emphasise on the f*ck."

Damian sighed as Bella followed him. He lead them through the backdoor that connected to the yard. It looked like the yard was still a work in progress, wooden planks were carelessly lying around and a few tools were left out unattended.

"What's all this?"

"Oh. I'm building a little study."


"I like the stars."

Bella looked at him to see if there was any trace of a lie but all she could see was a bright-eyed Damian staring at the little tent-like looking house that he called a study.

"What if it rains?"

"The roof has a cover made out of those plastic used for food packaging. Rain can't get in."

Staring at the study now, it looked like it was the size of an average room. Bella opened the door hesitantly and peeked inside. The sight made her mouth drop. The floor was carpeted and in the middle was a wooden table. On the side was a lamp that dimly lit the place and for their seats; soft fluffy cushions.

"B*tch, move."

He gently pushed her inside which made her almost trip over her own feet. She glared at him as soon as he managed to get in but he ignored it and sat down on one of the cushions. Bella sighed and took the seat across from him.

"Cute place."

"Like me?"

"You're not a place, Damian."

"But I'm cute?"

"Shut up."

"You never said no."

Bella rolled her eyes at the boys attempt. Damians smile faltered, remembering her previous comment. It was silent for a while, the only sounds coming from the howling of the wind and the rustling of books when Bella was rummaging through her bag. Damian looked at Bella for a while before saying something he thought he'd never tell anyone.

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