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[Damian is calling...]

[You have (5) missed calls from Damian]

[Damian is calling...]

"What do you want?"

"God. Finally. Do you know how hard it is to wait for you to f*cking pick up?"

"Stop acting like you care like... holy sh*t- are you really that much of an a**hole  to fake care?"

"Bella shut the f*ck up. I made an effort to actually talk to you. "

"I'm not the type of person who spends every waking moment kissing up to people's a**es just to get what I want. I'm too impatient for that sh*t."

"You said you get really pissed off when you don't know sh*t.  So my guess is that you're trying to satisfy your anger by calling me up at god knows what time just to gain information."

"Bella, you know I'm the type to not give a sh*t about what happens to other people who aren't important."


"You're saying I'm important?"

"To some extent."


"Look, I know I'm not your favourite person but listen to me okay?"


"For god knows what reason, I care. I care about your well-being, genuinely. So please tell me what the f*ck happened 2 days ago."


"Bella, please. I don't know if you consider me a friend but I consider you as one of mine."

"Lila's gone."


"She passed away that day."



"Bella, I am so sorry."

"Whatever. You can't do anything about it."

"No, I can't- but can I just say something?"


"I know what it feels like to lose someone who's important to you. To lose someone who's so good and so loyal... just to have them taken away from you, just like that."


"I know it's not easy and you don't like putting your heart on your sleeves but you should know it's okay to be vulnerable from time to time. It's what makes us human."


"We haven't been friends for long, if that's what you can call it, but you really became a part of my life and, somewhat, the highlight of my day."

"I really don't like seeing friends in distress and it's worse if I don't know how to help them relieve that."

Bella's voice was thick and scratchy from trying to stop herself from sobbing.

"Thanks Damian but you don't have to do anything."


"You should open your door."


"You heard me."

Bella sniffled and brought herself out of bed, shuffling towards the door. Her hand twisted the knob and she opened it to see none other than Damian giving her a sad smile, the phone still against his ear. His hands dropped when she opened the door fully to reveal herself.

"How did you—"

He didn't let her finish her sentence. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and gave her a tight squeeze.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Bella's eyes welled up in tears as she hugged him back. Her sobs becoming more obvious as Damian hugged her tighter.

"I really couldn't think of anything better to do."

"We have school tomorrow."

Bella croaked.

"Right. Well, f*ck that."

Bella laughed lightly.

Then silence followed. They were still in a comfortable hug, however, Bella's mind started drifting.

"She was so healthy..."

She whispered.

"How could-d I have be-een s-so careless-s?"

"It wasn't your fault."

"I-it was."

Damian pulled back abruptly, surprising Bella.

"You really want me to say it was all your f*cking fault for food poisoning your own f*cking dog?"

"N-n-no... b-but—"

"But nothing, Bella. It's not your fault. If anything, its that f*cking food company's."

It was the first time Bella had ever heard Damian say her name without venom behind it and... it felt nice. She stared at the ground in shame. Damian sighed and caressed her hair.

"It's never good to blame yourself for something you couldn't control."

"But then—"

"Just shut up and let me comfort you."

And that's how they spent the night; Bella in the company of Damian, the boy she seemed the loath for years— all that disappearing in a matter of seconds.

Bella felt a sense of calm wash over her. She was still mourning over Lila but with the company of someone who understood her feelings right at that moment, she felt like she was going to be okay.

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