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[Denvise Road 4:07 pm]


"Bella are you insane?"


"Sh*t dude, I think I should've feared Bella more."

"No kidding."

"Yeah. No one messes with Damian but me. That should be an unsaid rule."

Damian held his hands up with a smile threatening to spread on his lips. This was getting way too entertaining. And Bella was the one giving the punishment-- not him.

"You sound like his girlfriend."

Bella and Damian glared at the raven-haired boy.

"You're going first."

"But— I—"

Vince sighed in defeat when Bella stared at him expectantly. He walked towards the black dentist-like chair in the center. A tough-looking guy, who looked around their age, walked towards the group. Vince felt his throat close up when he walked closer to him. He caught a glimpse of his name tag.


He looked lean but somehow muscular. His cheekbones were also well-defined and his jaw looked sharp. Vince gulped.

"What'll it be today?" He asked and sat beside Vince's seat.

"Give him a d*ck on his arm."


Vince's voice started to crack.

"That's too extreme."

Bella pondered. After a while, her face lit up and she quickly whispered her idea into the tattooists ear. He grimaced and then smiled in amusement. Vince couldn't help but stare at the guy beside him. His smile was surprisingly captivating.

Vince shook his head from these strange thoughts.

"Gonna be a tough one."

The guy was obviously not from here. He had a slight British accent but it was only obvious if he spoke more.

"A tough one?"

Vince squeaked when he realized what he said. The whir of the pen made him jump in surprise.

"Here, bite this."

Jay handed him a towel.

"I won't scream. I'm a man."

Damian couldn't help but laugh a little. Vince said that so unconvincingly, he took the towel afterward without saying another word. Jay chuckled in amusement, staring at Vince for a second longer before going back to his tools.

Vince noticed his eyes were a bright shade of blue. Almost like it wasn't real. 'Contacts, maybe?' He thought to himself.

All the while, Cassie was nervously staring at Vince, praying he'd still be okay by the end of this.


Bella turned to Cassie with an evil smile.

"You're getting something else."

"She's not getting a tattoo?"

Damian stared at Cassie curiously, concern hidden behind his eyes. He gnawed on his fingernails. A bad habit he couldn't let go of whenever he felt nervous.



"You guys are going on a date."

Damian's eyes widened, stopping his nail-biting.

"On a what?"

"You heard me."

Bella popped an m&m in her mouth watching the expressions of the two change. Damian looked more confused and Cassie looked utterly horrified.

"Bella, I have a boyfriend!"

"Yeah I know. He's going to be the waiter."

She threw more m&m's into her mouth.

"God, these are good. Want some?"

Cassie ignored the question.

"Noah's gonna be a wAITER?"

'Granted, he'd look hot in the uniform.' Cassie fantasized but that was ruined when she realized who she was going on a date with. Her friend; Damian.

"Why me?"

"Yeah! Why him?"

Cassie demanded to know what Bella was onto.

"You like her for some odd reason. It's a win-win. She deserves punishment for vandalizing school property and you deserve... well... better treatment from her?"

Damian opened his mouth to say something but realized he was speechless.

"Since when did you care about school property?!"

Bella winked.

Cassie groaned in dismay.

"Well I'm down."

Bella giggled and fist bumped Damian. He shrugged with a satisfied smile.

"Of course you are."

Cassie sighed.

Then they heard a high pitched scream.

"I haven't even touched you yet!"

"B*tch please, I felt that thing on my skin for a split second!"

Vince was clutching his arm with a pout on his lips.

Jay tried not to smile too much.

Bella and the others laughed in the background.

'Oh this is gonna be fun.' Bella thought.

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