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"Yo girl" 

"Hello! Did you know that the amount of blood pumped through your heart can fill a bath tub?"

"Did not know. Thanks for the info."

"... This is not Damian."

"Correct. This is Vince, his friend. Who might you be? "

"Oh I am known as Siri's twin, Gisele." 

"Nice to meet you. Mind telling me who changed my friends contacts?" 

"Ha ha ha I am never telling you."

"See! She's a b*tch." 

"Maybe because you are a d*ck."

"F*ck y-"

"Hey! Language!" 

"Excuse my friend over there." 

"He is excused."

"F*cking b*tch..."

"So how're you doing? "

"I am doing fine." 

"Anything interesting happen?" 

"My day is non of your business."

"I'm sorry." 

"It is okay."

"Are you seriously buying her sh*t?" 

"Can it, Damian. I am having a nice chat with a good person."

"Wonder-f*cking-tastic. The b*tch has brainwashed you." 

Stop calling her that, Dam. 

"Maybe Cass knows about this."


"Knowing her, she'll just join the fun though." 

"Who is this Cass?"

"Non of your business, freak."

"Cassandra Belaire, also known as my best friend."

"Ouch. I thought I was your best friend."

"You and Cassie both, Dam... wait were you jealous just now?"


"You mean the gilfriend of Noah Blanc."

"How do you know that?"

"CASSIE HAS A BOYFIE? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Damian would you please do me the honor of shutting up?" 

"Well f*ck you too. We're not friends anymore. hmph."

"Tell me how you know this." 

"I am her friend."

"... Bella?"

"I have said too much."




(Sorry the language used is censored due to the colourful language used by this character)

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