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[Bear Tea 4:29 pm]

"Commercial surrogacy should be banned, lets be honest."

"That's not our motion, idiot."

"I know that, dumba**. I just don't like how we're supporting this argument when, personally, I'm against it."

"What's wrong with it? Couples who can't conceive a child get to have the choice of birthing a biological one."

"Yeah, I hear you. However, commercial surrogacy is basically prostitution. Women get paid to birth a child. Don't you see how wrong that is? They shouldn't put a price on a life."

"Wow you're really into this."

"We have to be. It's how we can argue."

"Can you think of something more on the opposing side then? Because your opinions really aren't helping us with this argument."

"Uh... I guess the person could gain high income from being a surrogate through commercial surrogacy and therefore improving their standard of living."

"I could argue that people can get better jobs that don't include selling a baby that doesn't belong to them."

"Sure, they could. But then statistically speaking, the income rates of surrogacy are very high and I don't think people who live in underdeveloped countries can get jobs that pay similarly without having high education."

Bella opened her mouth to argue but noticed she couldn't think of a counter-argument.

"You could argue that some people don't have to have high education to earn jobs with high salary. For example, Bill Gates- he dropped out of high school and is now a billionaire."

Damian paused and Bella had his words sink in.

"But then again, Bill Gates can't get pregnant."

Bella couldn't help but laugh.

"You should start your own self-debate show."

"Oh I do that every night. I question whether girls would like my snake."


Bella laughed harder.

"I have an actual snake. Don't misinterpret that."

Damian chuckled.

"God, you're weird."

"I know."

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