chapter 1: worries

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"Hey Megan! Wait up!"

I turned around to see my best friend Hannah running towards me.

"Hurry up! You know I hate to be late!" I yelled but patiently waited nonetheless.

Together we walked towards campus chatting away.

"So Paula and Safia are coming over tonight for a movie night and sleepover as planned" Hannah seemed very excited for this. I mean we had been planning it for the past few weeks.

"Great it's gonna be a girly night in!" I said just as we walked into our lecture.


"Okay so we've got the movie and tv all set up and we have snacks including sweet and salty popcorn, pillows and duvets and mattresses sorted.... Why do I feel we are missing something?" Hannah murmured to herself.

"Can we order pizza as well?" Aylin said as she entered the room carrying the popcorn although from the look of it we might run out of popcorn before everyone arrives at the rate she's eating it.

Hannah, Aylin and I all live together in a shared house. We've been friends since the beginning of University along with Paula and Safia when we met for a group project and bonded over a mutual hatred for one of our team members who wouldn't do any work. That was 2 years ago.

"Yah! Stop eating all the popcorn!" Hannah said while trying to take it off her.


"I'll get the door" I said and when I opened it I was greeted by hugs from Paula and Safia.

We all sat down comfortably and started watching The Notebook.


It was late in the evening and we were just chatting which had turned into a deep meaningful conversation.

"I worry that I won't find anyone. I mean I've never had boys coming after me... I've never even had a boyfriend or a first kiss. What if I end up alone cause I don't find that special someone?" I asked. It felt good to share this with everyone. I know they won't judge me. That's why I love them.

"Hey you're not alone. We all worry about that sort of thing. There's someone out there for everyone and even if any one of us doesn't find that special someone, we still have each other and our families so we aren't alone really. We will be okay." Hannah said smiling at me.

"Anyways you've got a great body with a great booty. Who wouldn't want you?" Hannah added with a wink and we all burst out laughing.

"It's late. We should sleep" Aylin said.

"You're right. Night guys." I said as my eyes drifted closed.


Author note:
I'm updating everyday. This is loosely based off me and my friends. I hope you enjoy it! Please comment and vote :) I'm debating whether to do an epilogue for it or write a sequel so please let me know what you think!

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