chapter 15 - sleepover

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They got back to BTS' dorm and they had to decide where the girls would sleep.

"Hannah's sleeping with me. Night guys!" Jimin quickly said and grabbed Hannah running off up the stairs.

"Then Safia is with me. BYE." Taehyung added on also running off upstairs with Safia.


"Don't worry hyung. We share a room. I'll keep an eye on them. Nothing will happen. Anyways I'm tired-" Yoongi started.

"You're always tired." Seokjin mumbled.

"Come on Jin let's go to bed nothing will happen. Those girls are too innocent for them to do anything, trust me. I'll stay with you if that's alright?" Aylin said while grabbing Seokjin's hand and dragging him towards his room.

"Megan you can stay with me and kookie." Hoseok added leading the way to their room that Jungkook had disappeared into as soon as they got back.

"Guess that means your stuck with me Namjoon." Paula giggled as they headed towards the room Aylin and Jin were in.

Megan's POV

"This is our room. Urrr... make yourself at home? I'm just going to the bathroom." Hoseok said awkwardly then turned to walk to the bathroom.

I opened the door without thinking to find Kookie half naked. We both looked at each other like deers caught in headlights. I blushed and shut the door.

"I'M SO SORRY!" I yelled through the door.

Soon the door opened and Kookie looked at me and chuckled.

"Don't you knock?" He teased. "Anyways why are you here?"

"I'm staying in your room for the night if that's okay?" I managed to say.

"Oh come in then."

It was very awkward. "So where am I sleeping? Can I borrow some clothes? I didn't know we'd be staying over" I asked.

"Uhhh... sure. Here use this shirt it's big on me so it should fit you as a night dress." As he handed me a long white t-shirt of his.

"Thanks." And headed to the bathroom and passed Hoseok leaving back to the room.

When I returned in the t-shirt, Kookie was a blushing tomato. Hoseok seemed to already be asleep.

"So am I sleeping on the floor?" I asked looking for blankets and duvets to make a mini bed on the floor.

"No! I can't make you sleep on the floor. I'll sleep on the floor, you take my bed." He said sweetly.

"I'm not kicking you out of your bed. Let's compromise. Do you mind sharing your bed with me?" I questioned.

"Ummm.... *gulp* no." He said nervously.

I climbed into the bed with Kookie and soon felt 2 arms wrap around my waist and heard deep breathing.

Thump thump.

I soon drifted off to sleep.


Namjoon and Paula had been joking around and bonding over their mutual love of FRIENDS the TV show.

"I love Joey's line: hey how you doing?" Paula said imitating the character. Namjoon burst into laughter.

On the other side of their shared room Aylin and Seokjin just stared at the 2 in amazement.

"It's like their made for each other." Aylin said.

"More like there's 2 Namjoons. One is enough for the world." Seokjin joked. "Anyways we should sleep."

"Good idea. I'm sooo tired." Aylin yawned then dragged Seokjin to his bed and laid down with him while wrapping his arms around her. Seokjin was too in shock to do or say anything.

Soon the 4 of them fell asleep.

However, in Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi's room....

"Yah! Yoongi what are you doing?!" Taehyung and Jimin both yelled.

Yoongi had walked in to find the 2 new couples snuggled together and making out on the beds. He had then proceeded to separate them by pulling the 2 boys by the ear off the bed.

"You girls are sleeping on Jimin's bed and Jimin and Tae are sleeping on Taehyung's bed. Now go to sleep." A grumpy Yoongi mumbled. He was not in the mood to argue.

"Okay night Chimchim." Hanah sweetly said kissing Jimin on the cheek and climbing into the bed.

"Night Tae." Safia grinned and also climbed into bed next to Hannah and soon the 2 girls were fast asleep.

"Hyuuuunnnng! Why did you do that?" Jimin whined at Yoongi.

"1) I'm tired and I don't want you two getting it on with girls to wake me up. 2) you two are too young to end up as fathers and don't argue that one cause you're both idiots who'd forget a condom and 3) I promised eomma Jin I'd make sure nothing happened between you guys and I will NOT get on eomma Jin's bad side. Now goodnight and if I hear a peep out of you I will personally kill you." As Yoongi finished his rant he fell asleep.

The 2 boys quietly got into bed and fell asleep to afraid to do anything else.

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