Chapter 9: truth

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So thanks to Hannah's suggestion, we are now sat in a circle.

We had a water bottle in front of us to spin. I'm sure everyone knows how it works. Spin the bottle and the person it lands on has to answer a truth or do a dare. Simple right?

The bottle was spun and it landed on Taehyung.

"Truth or dare?" We asked.


"Have you ever hooked up with any of the ARMY? that is the name of your fans right?" Hannah blurted out. She is the best at coming up with truths and dares which is hilarious so long as you aren't the target.

Namjoon was laughing so hard and the rest looked confused.

"What's hooked up?"

"Namjoon explain what hooked up means" Paula nudged a laughing Namjoon who was beside her who proceeded to explain.

"NOT" Taehyung burst out before Namjoon had finished talking.

We all started laughing so hard.

"I mean no!" He said.

I was wiping away a tear from laughing so hard. The hope in all Taehyung stans hearts has been shattered.

"Lets just spin the bottle and move on!" Taehyung said quickly and spun the bottle. I could see the blush on his face.

The bottle then landed on Jin. He quickly said dare.

"Kiss the most good-looking person in the room... on the cheek" Paula said. I swear her and Hannah have planned out the most embarassing truths and dares for each person. I'm worried for when it's my turn.

"But that's impossible" Jin argued. We all looked at one another confused. "I can't kiss myself on the cheek. You know since I'm obviously the most handsome guy in the room. I'm worldwide handsome."

The girls were just shocked before laughing yet again. The guys just hit their foreheads with the palm of their hand. "Should have known he'd say that." Namjoon said.

"Okay then the second most attractive person" Paula amended.

Jin stood up and walked around the circle. Then sat back down and turned towards Aylin and pecked her lightly on the cheek. I KNEW IT! MY SHIP HAS STARTED SAILING.

The game continued much like that and I could see all the ships starting to form: Jimnah, Taefia, Seoklin and Namla.

The bottle was spinning round and landed on... hoseok.

"Truth or dare?"


Everyone sat thinking.

"Yoongi why don't you pick something? You haven't said much. What do you think?" Jin said.

We looked over to see yoongi sleeping. Paula got up and walked towards him.

"I wouldn't wake him if I was you. Why don't we just let him sleep?" Namjoon said looking a bit worried.

Paula didn't listen.

She leaned towards his ear and... grabbed the cushion out from under his head making his head hit the ground with a thump.

"WHO WOKE ME UP?! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL THEM!" Yoongi yelled while rubbing the back of his head.

Paula just looked back at him and said "I'd like to see you try. I'm a qualified hunter who owns 9 guns." Then proceeded to sit back down. The guys all looked shocked and terrified while us girls were high-fiving and laughing at their reaction.

"Hey guys! I'm still waiting on that dare!" Hoseok said with his arms crossed.

"Just pick someone to kiss wherever you want and let me go back to sleep!" Yoongi said and was about to lay back down when Paula glared at him causing him to sit up straight.

All the guys seemed to tense up after what yoongi said. They didn't want be kissed or let hoseok kiss their 'future girlfriends'. I chuckled at that thought when suddenly my eyes met hoseok's who seemed too close. Before I could register what was happening, hoseok leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

I could hear the girls cheering and someone wolf whistled. When he pulled away we were both blushing. That was my first kiss. Wow.

"Kookie where are you going?" One of the guys asked.

I looked up to see Jungkook heading towards the door.

"I'm just gonna get some more water" he said.

"We'd better go back. See you around sometime hopefully." Paula said.

"Thanks for everything." Safia added

"Bye guys! Bye Jin" Aylin whispered the last bit blushing slightly.

"Bye bye chimchim. Message me!" Hannah said looking directly at Jimin. When did she make a nickname for him?

"See you all soon. Tell Jungkook I said goodbye" I sighed.

"We will bye!" They all waved as we exited the room.

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