Chapter 11- first

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??? POV

Its been a couple of days since we were last with the boys. We've been sight seeing and looking around Seoul. It was now midnight in Seoul and as I was about to go to sleep my phone dinged. As I looked at my phone the message said are you awake?

I responded saying yes.


Come down to the lobby.

Confused I got dressed in this:

Confused I got dressed in this:

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And ran out to meet him.

I saw him in the lobby and walked over to him.

"Hey why are you here so late?" I said to him.

"I just finished practicing with the guys and I wanted to show you something. Come with me." He said.

I followed him out and he took me to a car. He held the door open for me like the gentleman he is. His driver drove off and soon we reached our location.

As I got out the car, he held his hand out to me which I held and he said "do you trust me?"

"Yes." I said.

"Close your eyes. I will guide you and I promise I wont let you fall." He whispered.

I shut my eyes and trust him. He guided me forwards to our detination.

As we came to a stop he said" okay. Open them."

As I opened my eyes the sight that greeted me was breath-taking. We were on top of a hill in a park looking over Seoul at night with cherry blossom petals fluttering around in the wind.

"I found this by accident when I needed to clear my head. I've never shown anyone this view not even the members. Do you like it?" He murmured.

"Do I like it? No." I said and he looked a little sad. "I absolutely love it! Thank you.... for sharing this beauty that you found with me."

He was now grinning from ear to ear. "I just wanted to return the favour."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, you shared your beauty with me so I shared this beautiful view with you however I don't think it's as beautiful as you are. I'm not sure theres anything in the world as beautiful as you." He said while staring into my eyes.

I was speachless. I didnt know what to say.

"I've liked you since the moment we met at the airport. My eyes follow you, my thoughts never leave you and my heart beats for you. Please will you be my girlfriend Hannah?"

"Yes Jimin I will!" As Jimin swung me around in his arms happily while I giggled in joy.

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