chapter 5: change

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"How do I look?" Hannah asked.

It's now 9:00am and both me and Hannah are getting ready for the day.

"You look great. You'd think you were going on a date" I said. A blush crept up on Hannah's face.

"Stop teasing!" She said

"Megan, what are you wearing?" Hannah was now staring at my outfit with a disapproving look.

"What's wrong with it?" I said looking down.

"You're meeting this Jungkook guy wearing that? I'll do your hair for you and pick your outfit out okay?" Hannah motioned for me to sit in the chair.

I sighed " fine as long as you don't pick something too over the top"

"Don't you trust me?" Hannah pouted.

"Noooope" I giggled.


It's now 9:30am and we are all meeting downstairs. Hannah dressed me in this:

I have to admit, she did a good job

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I have to admit, she did a good job. It's pretty, simple and suitable while still in my comfort zone.

Hannah's style is quite different to mine hence my earlier worry. She was wearing this:

Aylin had dressed up a bit more:

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Aylin had dressed up a bit more:

Safia was also wearing a nice top and trousers:

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Safia was also wearing a nice top and trousers:

I smiled slightly as I realised we had all dressed up slightly more than usual

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I smiled slightly as I realised we had all dressed up slightly more than usual. All because we are meeting 7 boys we met yesterday.

Then Paula came towards us and said "sorry I'm late couldn't find my shoes!" Wearing:

Then Paula came towards us and said "sorry I'm late couldn't find my shoes!" Wearing:

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Typical Paula, not changing even the slightest for a guy. Her strong personality is one of her perks though.

"We ready to head to Namsan tower?" I said. And we went to grab a taxi.


We got out of the taxi and looked around. Suddenly I spot a group of guys huddled together wearing masks and hoodies.

"I found them. Why are they always wearing those masks and a hoodie?" I said pointing over in their direction.

My phone dinged and I looked at my messages:

Are you here yet? We are by the side of the entrance on the right.

I was about to reply when Hannah stopped me. She had a smirk on her face. "Lets surprise them" She said.


"Yes! We totally should!" Everyone seemed to be in agreement so I sighed and agreed as well.

I texted back:

We are about 5 minutes away.

Then I turned my phone on silent as did everyone else.

We slowly and quietly approached the group. We probably looked like idiots. A few people were staring at us giving us the 'theyre crazy' look but most just glanced and continued on with their lives. We surrounded them without their notice which actually surprised me.

1... 2... 3!

"BOO!" We all yelled and they jumped in surprise. Jhope was screaming hugging onto Jungkook. Jungkook had turned around and had a shocked look on his face. He was JUNGSHOOK. Jimin and V were hugging each other for dear life as Jin was hugging RM who had his hand over his heart. Finally Suga had his arms up, hands balled into fists ready to fight or run depending on the situation. We all just burst out laughing! This was so worth it!

"You guys... are such... scaredy cats!" Paula said between breaths.

They had relaxed and were now glaring at us but soon joined in the laughter.

"Shall we go in?" RM asked.

Before anyone could respond, Paula yelled out "YASSS BITCHES LEGGO" running towards the entrance and RM followed yelling "Hey wait up!"

I giggled. RM has his hands full with her but they make a cute pair.

We all followed behind walking towards the entrance.

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