chapter 7: idols

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"What's so special about Korean BBQ?" I said earning the 7 boys to stare at me wide eyed in shock.

"Korean BBQ is the food of the Gods" V said as we entered a restaurant.

They spoke to the lady in Korean and she led us to a room with a large table in the back. When we got there, the boys put their hoods down and took off their masks. We hadn't seen them without their hoods and masks up. Jungkook had a cute little nose and soft plump lips underneath that mask and his beautiful brown hair was hiding under his hood. Reminded me of a coconut.

"Why do you guys wear masks and hoods?" Hannah blurted out. I nudged her. I swear that girl has no filter.

"We just don't want to be noticed by fans. We love them dearly but sometimes we just want a bit of privacy." RM answered.

"Fans?" Safia questioned.

"We are a Kpop boy band called Bangtan Sonyeondan better known as BTS." RM  replied.

We stood in silence when Paula's laughter broke it.

"Hahhahahhah! That was a funny joke guys, you really had us for a second." She said while laughing.

"We aren't lying. Look." As Suga showed us his phone. He had searched up BTS on Google and their photos came popping up.

"You should come and watch us practice sometime" V said to us, or more like to Safia as he grabbed her hands in excitement causing her to blush. "Ummm... sure" she said.

"We have practice tomorrow. Just text me when you get there. I'll send you the address tonight." Jungkook said, a huge grin on his face.

" Okay then. Anyways I'm starving, what's on the menu? What's okay for a vegetarian to eat?" I said sitting down at the table and rubbing my hands together.

"Vegetarian?" RM looked at me confused.

"Ummm... I don't eat meat. So what doesn't contain meat?" I stated.

"What?! You don't eat meat?! But how can you not? Not even lamb skewers?!" Jungkook and Suga yelled.

"I don't like how animals are treated in the meat and dairy industry" I shrugged my shoulders.

We ordered food and were chatting amongst ourselves: I looked around and Paula and RM were chatting between themselves. As were Aylin with Jin and Safia with V. Hannah was chatting to Suga with a jealous looking Jimin sat to her right.

"So we hardly know anything about you. How old are you? What do you do or want to do? What music do you like?" I turned my head to see Jhope looking at me excitedly waiting for my response.

"Don't overwhelm her!" Jungkook said.

"Its fine Jungkook. I am 19 years old. I currently study Zoology-"

"Zoology?" Jhope asked.

"The study of animals" I responded

"That's so cool! I love animals" Jhope yelled. Luckily everyone was so engrossed in their own conversations they didn't seem to notice.

"And my typical music genres are alternative, indie and rock".

"Wooow!" Jhope exclaimed.

I giggled. It's so cute how he gets excited over the smallest things and his smile so contagious. I haven't known him long but he is definitely a ball of sunshine.

We were chatting away when I glanced over at Jungkook. He'd been very quiet during this whole conversation. He looked pretty upset.

"You okay Jungkook?"

"Huh? Yeah I'm alright." And smiled at me... But it looked fake. His smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Ummm... sorry to interrupt you guys but I think we should head back to our hotel" Safia interrupted by tapping me on the shoulder. She proceeded to lean in to whisper in my ear "I think Paula and Aylin are drunk".

"It was nice meeting up with you. Ummm... thank you for the tour and the meal but we should be going." I said

Safia had Aylin and Hannah had Paula and the five of us left the restaurant and got in a taxi back before any of them could respond.

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