chapter 4: text

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Now I'm sat twiddling my thumbs, my finger hovering over the send button.

All 5 of us are sat in mine and Hannah's hotel room in a circle, Hannah on my left and Paula on my right. Everyone is chatting away, carefree and laughing. Everyone except me.

"For God sakes Megan just send him the message! All you wrote is 'hi, this is Megan from the airport'! How is that something to debate sending?" Hannah burst out, bringing me back to reality.

"Hannah's right. What's the worst that can happen? He doesn't respond? So what. It's not the end of the world" Safia piped in.

"And if he doesn't respond then he's a jerk who's not worth your time and it's good you found out early" Aylin added in.

"I'm just nervous okay?" I said looking at them all in turn before stopping on Hannah. "Do you think I should say anything else?"

As I said this Paula suddenly said "well it's sent so too late now!" And I looked down at my phone to see that Paula had pressed the send button. I'd have been mad if I didn't think she was doing it for my own good. Plus all my emotional capacity was currently occupied with worry.

"Where should we go? We need to write down what we want to do and see while we're here... maybe make a rough plan of our days. We have about a month here. We should make use of it" Hannah said.

As we were discussing our plans, I got a text message. Everyone turned towards me.

Hannah giggled and said "someone's eager. Told you not to worry."

I looked at the message:

Hey, it's Jungkook. Glad to hear from you. Me and my hyungs were wondering if you guys wanted to hang out tomorrow? We have a day off and would be happy to give you a tour of Seoul. No pressure! Just a suggestion.

"So...? What did he say?" Asked Aylin and I looked up to see 4 pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Urrr... He said that him and his hyungs?..." I started

"His friends from the airport I presume" Paula piped in.

"Ummm... yeah... They offered to show us around Seoul." I finished

"Omg that's so nice of them!" Safia exclaimed.

"Safia I think it's more like Jungkook wanted to spend time with Megan but was too shy to ask her on a date directly" Aylin smirked.

I started blushing and playfully slapped her arm. "Stop being silly!"

"They are very cute though. That one called Jimin.... *sigh* he's so cute but when he winked at me, he was so sexy as well... How can a guy be both in such a short period of time?" Hannah said dreamily.

"Nah mate, that RM is pretty hot and he likes crabs so that's a bonus." Paula said pulling one of her signature weird expressions that never fails to make us laugh.

"I personally think that Jin guy was cute. He's not my usual type but I'll make an exception for him" Aylin added.

"That V guy was a bit odd but he's  super cute and funny. If I had to pick it would be him" Safia piped in.

"What time are we meeting them tomorrow? Where should we meet them?" Hannah shouted jumping up and down in her seat.

"Calm down woman. Let me text him back first."


Sure that would be great. Thanks! What time and where?

How about Namsan tower? At 10am?

Cool we will be there!

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