Chapter 23 - realisations

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Megan's POV

We had woken up early the next morning to leave to go get ready for our flight. It was 4 am and we'd managed to catch a taxi to the hotel.
We finished the last of our packing then headed to the airport at 6 am.

Not one of us said a word. The atmosphere was gloomy. We all were going to miss the boys. We all were wondering if this was a good idea. We all wanted to stay in Korea. But we can't. So we just sat in silence as we arrived at the airport.

Jungkook's POV

I woke up thirsty. I checked my phone and it was about 6am so I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs quietly. I didn't want wake the girls who had agreed to sleep in the living room this time. I grabbed my water and as I walked back glanced into the living room to find it empty.


Not even blankets sprawled across the room.

It was like no one had slept here.

"GUYS! WAKE UP!" I yelled running back up the stairs.

I woke everyone up including a very angry Yoongi. "This better be important Jeon." We had all gathered in Yoongi, Jimin and Tae's room.

"The girls are gone!" I said.

"WHAT?!" Everyone except Hoseok yells.

"What happened to them?" Jin asked.

"My baby has gone missing?" Namjoon questioned.

"What if a saesang snuck in and took them? We need to help them!" Jimin panicked.

"What if aliens abducted them!" Tae yelled making everyone look at him with the 'seriously?!' look.

"How is that thought any more unlikely than Jimin's?!"

I can't believe she's gone. I was gonna tell Megan how I feel.

*FLASHBACK to last night*

Me and Hoseok were getting into bed. It was 2 am. Hoseok and the girls had wanted to stay up and chat.

"Hey Kookie. I think you should tell Megan how you feel. Like right now." He said.


"What are you talking about?" I queried.

"I know you like her." He responded

"Yeah... I do. But what's the point? She's with you now. Just.... take good care of her." I bit my lip.

"We aren't together Kookie. She turned me down. She likes someone else." He grinned at me.

My heart skipped a beat.

"I'm sorry hyung." I said.

"Don't be. I kind of knew before I asked her what her response would be. Now I can move on and have no regrets. So go and talk to her now" he urged.

"I'll ask her tomorrow. It's late now" I replied.

He bit his lip then turned to face away from me.


This whole time I'd been watching Hoseok. He seemed nervous, biting his lip and staring at his hands. For a whole week he had been acting a little suspicious... He knows something.

"Hoseok" I said. Everyone turned to look at him. He was now sweating.

"Tell us" I continued.

He bit his lip. Like he did last night. He knew they wouldn't be here today. That's why he insisted I speak to her last night.

He looked around then sighed.

"I'm doing this for Jungkook and Megan's happiness. She's gonna kill me!" He said. "They didn't want to tell you and deal with an emotional goodbye. They were worried you'd leave them or convince them to stay.... They're at the airport by now getting ready for their 9am flight back to London..." he trailed off. Everyone glared at him. "I overheard them and confronted Megan. She told me because I promised not tell you guys..." he bit his lip again.

I ran out to grab my shoes and everyone followed behind. Jin got in the drivers seat (too early to call for a driver) and we drove off to the airport.

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