Chapter 21 - concert

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Megan's POV

We arrived early to the concert in our tshirts and used our backstage passes to go see the guys. We were sad to be leaving tomorrow but the sadness was washed away when we saw the guys getting ready.

"Looking good bae." Aylin said walking over to Jin.

"Jimin get that hat off your head. You are not wearing that!" Hannah yelled storming over to Jimin and ripping the bucket hat he was wearing off his head.

I walked over to Hoseok.

"You haven't told any of them about tomorrow right?" I asked hesistantly.

He sighed. "No, I haven't. I still think you should tell them. They aren't going to leave you guys. They'll be upset but understanding."

I just bit my lip. He's right. But the fear of losing them as lovers and as friends was too great.

"We'll see you after the concert. Have fun and good luck!" Safia said.

We headed back to our seats ready for the concert.

After half hour or so the lights dimmed and the boys came out on stage with spotlights on them. They looked so good!

Army bombs were everywhere accompanied by screaming ARMYs and fan chants could be heard from all directions. We cheered and screamed along with the crowd.

Kookie glanced over to us and smiled. I giggled as I heard fangirls around me screaming saying how Kookie just smiled at them. Their fans and fanbase are truly incredible.

Their stage presence was amazing.

The concert continued for 3 hours. How do they have so much energy?!

As the concert came to a close we went back stage again.

Author's POV

The girls entered the room backstage to see 7 sweaty boys in the middle of changing. They all blushed and looked down at their feet.

Hoseok finished changing and pulled Megan out of the room.

Jimin approached Hannah with his arms open wide. "Jagiya!!!"

"Get away from me you sweaty boy!" Hannah held her arm out in defense to protect herself. Jimin crossed his arms pouting.

Steathily, Yoongi had snuck up behind only to hug Hannah tightly covering her in sweat. Everyone except Jimin was laughing as Hannah removed herself from his arms and Jimin glared at his hyung. If looks could kill, Yoongi would be dead.

"It's so late. I don't know about you guys but it's well past my bedtime so we should head back soon." Aylin said.

"You girls should stay at ours!" Namjoon suggested.

The girls were a bit hesistant. They already had to get up early as it was. This would mean getting up even earlier. But the temptation to spend more time with the boys won out and they agreed.

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