Chapter 24 - reveal

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Jungkook's POV

As soon as we arrived I took off to find Megan. The boys weren't far behind. I didnt care about fans seeing me, I just needed to find her. To tell her.
That I love her.

Hoseok had messaged them and they were waiting for their flight at gate 56.

Soon we spotted them. They were waiting patiently for their flight to start boarding.

Megan's POV

We were waiting for our plane to start boarding.

"Good thing we didn't tell them to come. We look like shit." Hannah giggled trying to lighten the mood. We all just smiled at her and she sighed.

She looked up and her eyes grew big.

"How did they know...?" She whispered.

We all looked up to see BTS running towards us.

"I told Hoseok..." I gulped.

"You WHAT?!" Paula screamed glaring at me. "We made a pact Megan!"

"He found out on his own that we were going to leave without telling them. He overheard us. I told him cause he promised he wouldn't say if I did..." I replied.

Kookie reached us first and dragged me aside.

He was panting from running and he looked hot. How is that possible at this time in the morning?

"Megan... I love you goddammit! I've loved you since we first bumped into each other at this very airport. I love your smile. It lights up my world. I love your eyes that just make me melt into them. I love your lips that drive me insane because I can't kiss them. I love everything about you. You've changed my world, turned it upside down and inside out. You can't just leave without saying anything to me or me telling you how much you mean to me because.... you stole my heart. You stole it and now you're taking it with you to the UK! AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME YOU'RE TAKING IT!"

"Don't worry. I left my heart here for you. My heart has belonged to you since we met. But I have to go. We both know that I have to go." I whispered tears dripping down my face. This is what we all wanted to avoid. Them seeing us cry. We wanted them to remember our smiling faces not tear streaked ones.

"Then can I ask you something? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes!" I wrapped my arms round his neck and we shared a passionate kiss like it was the last one we'll ever share.

We headed back over so I could say goodbye to everyone. We were all crying messes. Many hugs and kisses were shared between friends and lovers.

"Flight 298 is ready for boarding" an announcement said over the speakers.

"That's us. I'll skype you and visit you when we can." We all had said.

"Maybe we'll come to England. Trying to convince our conpany to go to London for our next tour." Namjoon said.

"We'll see you soon and we'll message when we get off the plane!"

We disappeared into the plane with smiles on our faces and tears streaming down our cheeks.

This is the end but I am thinking of writing and epilogue OR a sequel. Please comment and vote on what you think I should do!

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