chapter 17 - beach

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Megan's POV

Us girls went back to the hotel to get ready for the beach. We agreed to meet the guys at Gangneung beach.

We were now looking for the guys. Since it was a weekday no one was on the beach which is good for the guys. It means less fans to worry about. We spotted then easily and headed over to them.

Us girls then started to take off our top layer of clothes as our swimsuits were underneath although the guys didnt seem to realise that and started to panic. They didn't look away though. The pervs.

I was wearing:

Aylin was wearing:

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Aylin was wearing:

Safia was wearing:

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Safia was wearing:

Hannah was wearing this:

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Hannah was wearing this:

Hannah was wearing this:

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Paula was wearing this:

The guys were blushing like crazy

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The guys were blushing like crazy.

"Where's Paula and what have you done with her?" Namjoon jokingly asked.

Paula just gave him a weird look before saying "I'm off to find crabs. I'll be back later!" And started to run off down the beach.

"Aaaannnndddd she's back. Hey wait for me!" Namjoon yelled before running after her.

It was a hot day and I burn easily so I needed to put sunscreen on but couldn't reach my back.

"Could someone help me put sunscreen on my back?" I sheepishly asked.

"I WILL!" Both Jungkook and Hoseok answered at the same time then looked at one another.

"Ummm... I mean it was just a reflex response. Hoseok should do it." Jungkook muttered.

"If you wanna do it Kookie then you should. This is the first time you've ever volunteered to touch a girl." Hoseok chuckled.

Hannah just looked at the two, sighed, then grabbed the sunscreen bottle and put it on my back while the 2 were still chatting about it.

"Thanks Hannah." I smiled.

The 2 boys seemed shocked it had already been done. Hannah shrugged her shoulders then said "If it was left to those 2 idiots, you'd have burned before they had decided who to put it on you." She giggled. "Come here."

She then rubbed at my face saying "you always get white blotches of suncream on your face.... there!"

"You really are a mum. At least now you have a daddy." Jimin wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and said that in her ear sexily. Hannah blushed then slapped his arm lightly.

"You perv!" She yelled and we all laughed at their interaction while Jin then pulled Jimin away from Hannah saying "you're too young to be parents. This face is too handsome to be a grandma."

"That would mean Yoongi would be a great grandfather!" Taehyung giggled then ran away as Yoongi stalked towards him.

The day mainly consisted of sunbathing, reading and playing in the water.

It was getting late and we were getting ready to leave when Paula and Namjoon came back.

"Hey look what we found!" They simultaneously said while holding a bucket full of crabs for us to see.

"Great. We are leaving soon. Go put them back." Yoongi grumbled. He'd spent most of the day under an umbrella sleeping out of the sun. No wonder he's so pale.

Paula glared at him and Yoongi panicked hiding behind Jin. They returned the crabs and we got in the van. Paula sat with Namjoon.

As we started to drive off Paula suddenly said "oh by the way me and Namjoon are now dating"


Guess that leaves me and Aylin as single pringles but we are definitely ready to mingle. As I thought this I glanced over at Jungkook.

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