Chapter 16 - dreams

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Megan's POV

"Megan will you go out with me?"


I turned around to come face to face with Jungkook.


"Please be my girlfriend." He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Yes I will." I responded without thinking.

He then leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead. Then moved down towards my lips...


My eyes fluttered open to an unfamiliar room.

I was dreaming about Jungkook? Why? My heart was beating fast. I looked around and noticed that the room was empty.

I sat up on the bed and touched my forehead. The dream felt so real especially the kiss on my forehead. Did I want it to be real?

Stop talking nonsense, it was just a dream. It means nothing.

I sighed and got up to go freshen up then headed downstairs. Everyone was sat at the table eating breakfast.

"Hey lazybones, it's not like you to wake up this late." Hannah nudged me as I sat down with my plate of food. "Usually you're up at 8am."

"Must still be jet lagged mixed with a late night." I said. I was still thinking about the dream. What a weird dream to have.

"Hey Megan are you okay?" Jungkook asked while gently touching my arm.

I jumped away in shock as my heart beat faster as his touch reminded me of the dream and I blushed.

"I-i'm okay thank you."

Kookie looked upset at my reaction and moved away slightly. Now I feel bad.

"How come the 2 actual couples are the 2 that weren't allowed to sleep with a girl?!" Jimin yelled at Jin bringing me back to the conversation at the table.

"For that exact reason. I don't trust you 2 to keep it in your pants." Jin shrugged calm as anything in the face of Jimin and Taehyung's anger.

"Hey guys can we go to the beach today?! I've been wanting to go since we arrived in Korea. I want to find some crabs!" Paula seemed excited at the idea.

Hannah sighed. She wasn't a fan of the beach and had been trying to avoid it as long as possible. She then smiled over at Paula and said "yeah we can go to the beach."

"YESSSSSS" Paula was so happy at the thought of seeing crabs.

"Can we come? I want to see some crabs too!" Namjoon excitedly grabbed Paula's hand.

"Yeah I wanna spend time with my jagiya." Taehyung added and smirked at Safia who started blushing.

"Don't you guys have work?" Safia asked.

"Not today we don't otherwise we wouldn't have gone to the club." Hoseok answered.

"Alright let's all go to the beach then!" I yelled and everyone cheered.

Jungkook's POV

I woke up to see Megan asleep in my arms. My heart was beating fast when she mumbled "kookie?"

Then it skipped a beat. She was dreaming about me. I couldn't resist anymore and gently kissed her on the forehead. I then slowly got up to not wake her and headed downtairs.

Not long after Megan came down. She seemed a bit out of it.

"Are you okay?" All I did was touch her arm and she jumped away as if I'd slapped her and her face grew red.

Wait... did she know about the kiss this morning on her forehead? Was she angry? Did she hate it that much?

I wasn't paying any attention to the rest of the table's conversation as I wallowed in my thoughts.

Authors note:
Sorry for the late update. It's exam season for me and the stress of exams caught up with me that I forgot to update this book! Apologies.

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