Chapter 14 -hurt

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After Taehyung left the table, Aylin and Paula dragged a reluctant Namjoon and Seokjin to the dance floor. Yoongi had disappeared somewhere.

"Let's go join them on the dance floor!"  Hoseok exclaimed practically jumping up and down in his seat.

"I've done too much dancing. I need a break. Go have fun. I'll join in a minute." And Hoseok left the table as well.

That left me with Jungkook. I glanced over at him. He hadn't looked at me. I sighed.

"Jungkook what's wrong?" I asked.

"Huh?" He responded.

"You won't even look at me. Is my outfit that terrible?" I joked.

"N-no! Of course not! You look amazing!" He stumbled over his words in his hurry to reassure me.

"What did I do that means you won't look at me?" I tried again more serious this time.

He sighed and turned to look at me then faked a smile at me. "Nothing."

I pouted. I turned away to catch Hoseok and Jimin dancing to a kpop song. They were shaking their legs and wiggling their butts. I giggled and suddenly Hoseok looked over and signaled me to join them. I looked back over at Jungkook. I didn't want to leave him by himself especially in this mood however I got up and walked over and said I think we should leave to which all the girls nodded in agreement. The guys said we should go over to theirs and we can stay the night like a sleepover. Where's Taehyung and Safia? I turned to look at the table to find Yoongi sat there. He's like a magician or something.

"Hey Taehyung! Safia! Where are you were gonna go now!" I yelled.

Taehyung appeared with a huge grin on his face and an embarassed Safia holding his hand.



Once we had all gathered together, we left the club.

Jungkook's POV

I couldn't look at her. She was so beautiful tonight. I was afraid that if I looked at her I wouldn't be able to stop looking. I'd fall deeper for her and I can't do that.

So I just sat staring at the table or chatting with the hyungs. Avoiding her.

"What is this song? Yah! Stop squealing" Yoongi  grumbled as the girls jumped up headed over to the dance floor. We were all a bit confused as to what they were doing. The whole club was. They started to sing or rather shout the lyrics of the song and dance rather... sexily. My eyes wandered and landed on Megan. She was dancing with Hannah and laughing. Then I heard Hoseok.

"Wow! Their dancing is so weird and silly but it still looks amazing! Go on Megan!" He yelled.

I turned away quickly. Stop Jungkook.
The evening after that was a bit of a blur until I was left alone at the table with Megan. I could tell she was hurt that wouldn't look at her. I tried to reassure her and turned to look at her giving the best smile I could right now. I saw in her face that she could tell it was fake. I saw hurt in her eyes. I was hurting her. My heart squeezed tight. She turned away and left the table. Right as she left Yoongi slid into the booth.

"What's with that face? You look like you're in pain? Are you okay? Can I help?" He asked. I must of looked bad if Yoongi was this concerned.

"Hyung, I like Megan." I blurted out without thinking. He chuckled.

"I know." I looked over to see him smirking. "You're not very good at hiding it."

"What do I do? Hoseok likes her. I don't want to hurt him or the group over these feelings we share for a girl." I sighed. "Besides she likes him too. I've got no chance."

"How do you know she doesn't like you?" He asked.

"From the way she acts. You heard her and saw what happened at practice. She's always smiling around him." I bit my bottom lip.

"Jungkook you can't assume things. Nothing is for certain. You should tell her how you feel. She's not an object. She has a choice in all this. Both you and Hoseok should just tell her and then let her decide. You can't decide her choices and her feelings for her. She is her own person." He said sternly then smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Guys, we are going now." Seokjin came over to tell us.

I sat next to Megan in the car.

"Hey kookie, is everything okay now? You seem a bit happier." She smiled at me. She seemed genuinely happy that I was happy. Wait did she just call me Kookie?!

Thump thump.

I'll tell her tonight like Yoongi said.

"Hey Hobi give back my phone!" She said angrily while Hoseok held her phone while typing in something before returning it.

"I was just giving you my number!" He held his hands up in surrender.

Megan glared at him before laughing and he soon joined in.

He had a nickname too.

Once again my heart shattered watching the two interact.

Nevermind. I won't say anything.

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