chapter 8: friends

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Jungkook had texted me the address. Me, Hannah and Safia took care of Paula and Aylin. As you can imagine they woke up with a terrible hangover.

By late afternoon they had recovered enough and we headed over to the address we were given.

We are now currently standing in front of a building staring up at it.

"Megan call him." Aylin said

"I'll just text him" I was too nervous to call. We hadn't called each other yet. I wasn't ready for that.

Hannah snatched my phone off me and pressed the call button.

"Here" she handed it back to me just as we heard "hello? Megan?"

"H-hi, we're outside"

"Oh! I'm sorry! I'll be right there!" And he hung up.

Soon the doors opened and Jungkook motioned us to head inside.

We entered a dance practice room and the six boys looked sweaty and tired, sprawled out on the floor. Hannah giggled at the sight and Jimin's head shot up to look at us, eyes wide. His expression soon turned to one of happiness as he stood up and jogged over to us. The others looked over much slower and when their eyes met ours, they followed in Jimin's footsteps.

"You guys look like you've been working hard" Aylin said grabbing the towel from Jin's hand and wiping the sweat away from his face gently before placing it round his neck. Jin's face went from a pink tinge to red as a tomato.

"Guys, we should start practicing again, our 5 minute break is over." RM boomed in a loud voice.

The five of us sat by the wall ready to watch them practice. They then got into position facing towards us, their audience. Then the music started playing...


OH MY GOD! No words can describe how good they looked. Their dance moves were so in sync and beautifully matched the music.

Jhope's movements seem to flow from one move to the next. I couldn't stop watching him. My eyes followed. He had such a talent for dance.

The music ended and the five of us were already applauding.

"You guys were amazing!" Hannah exclaimed and I'm pretty sure I saw Jimin blush.

"Jhope. Just wow. I didn't know you could dance like that! I was mesmerized. It flowed together so well." I said looking at Jhope in shock and wonder.

"Hehe thanks." He said awkwardly scratching the back of his head. I didn't notice Jungkook looking upset behind him.

Aylin and Safia also complimented their dancing. I was still shocked at how these cute boys went from that to sexy dance machines in seconds. But it wasn't just their dance moves that were sexy, I could handle that. But their facial expressions matched the sexy dance and combined....

I was pulled out of my thoughts just as Paula said "Hahahha you tried really hard there RM... Okay I can't take that name seriously. What's your guys real names? There's no way it's RM"

That was a good question. I was pretty sure a lot of them told us their nicknames.

"Right. Forgot we introduced you using our stage names" RM said "my name is Namjoon. Kim Namjoon."

"I'm Kim Seokjin."

"Kim Taehyung"

"Min Yoongi"

"Jung Hoseok"

We all looked over at Jimin and Jungkook.

"Me and kookie don't have a stage nane but I'm Park Jimin and he's Jeon Jungkook" Jimin responded to our questioning looks.

"Cookie? That's what they called you at the airport. Why is your nickname cookie? Do you like cookies or something?" I asked.

Kookie started to blush while all the boys started laughing.

"Its... umm... short for... Jungkook... It's taking the last part of my name kook and adding ie" he stumbled embarassed over his words.

Then it was my turn to blush. How did I not realise that?

"It would seem we still don't know that much about each other" Yoongi said.

"Oohh let's play truth or dare!" Hannah said smirking with an evil glint in her eye. This can't be good...

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