Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Yea I'll call you back." I said, squirting some water into my mouth.


"Mother." I hissed. "I'm at practice for God sakes."

"But we need to-"

"Bye!" I said, hanging up. I tossed my phone on my bag and jogged out to the field.

"I'm so sorry she's being annoying and-"

"Just don't let it happen again." Coach said seriously. I nodded, taking my place in between Luke and Nate. Practice had been interrupted by my ringtone blaring loudly. My mom was having a fit because I was going to be late for dinner.

"Alright we'll end practice early today... Get a good nights sleep, drink plenty of water, and eat a good breakfast tomorrow we have a big day." Coach said.

It was our first game of the season tomorrow. It wasn't against that good of a team, but we were aiming to cream them, start off the season on a good foot.

We all headed over to my bags, and I picked up my phone, rolling my eyes at the fact that I had like 20 missed calls from my parents.

"So are you coming over?" Nate asked as all the other guys pulled their helmets off and got their bags together.

I shook my head. "Family dinner tonight." I grumbled, pulling my bag over my shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow though." I sighed, heading towards the locker rooms. I made sure no one was in there and quickly changed into some cotton shorts and a tank top. I fixed my ponytail and snuck out the back door of the locker room. I exited through the normal doors and got into my car. I lived just across the street from school. Well, two streets over, but when I was younger, if I would stand on my counter, I could see the windmill at the top of the school.

As soon as I got into my driveway, I grabbed my back and quickly rushed inside.

"You're late." My dad said harshly.

"Give me 3 minutes!" I called as I sprinted down the stairs. I ripped off my clothes as I jumped into the shower, not caring that it was cold. I quickly washed my hair and body, then jumped out. I pulled on some leggings and a sweater and tied my hair up in a bun. I put on deodorant then checked the clock.

2 minutes and 30 seconds.


I ran upstairs and sat at the table.

"Sorry." I said, extremely out of breath.

"Girls, how was dance today?" My mother asked my older sisters.

"Oh it was fun! We got new uniforms!" Sadie cheered excitedly.

"They're bright pink and have sparkles all over the front." Sarah added. Sarah and Sadie were twins, they were 18 years old, in their senior year of high school. I'm 17, in my Junior year. There's Susan, she's 16, in her Sophomore year. Then Sofia is 13, going into 8th grade.

I hated my family. They were all 'perfect'. My older sisters were amazing dancers, Susan was drop dead gorgeous and everyone loved her, Sofia was an amazing singer and extremely popular. My mother was a well known music producer. She works with a ton of famous artists, and is practically famous herself. My dad was really high up in the world of politics, and was running for president for the next election. My entire family are all twig skinny, have perfect skin, and straight blonde hair. Then there's me. I have curly brown hair, tan skin, and freckles. I'm a bit short for my age, and people under estimate me. But no one knows what I'm capable of and I hate being misjudged. To the public eye, I'm the daughter of the Carsons who never does anything and doesn't act like a proper lady. To my entire school, I'm the weirdo who always hangs around the football team. To my family, I'm the 'bad seed'. But to my football team, I'm just me. They understand me more than anyone in the world.

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