Bonus Chapter :)

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Bonus Chapter

Dylan’s POV

I took a deep breath, my legs bouncing up and down as I sat in the chair. 

I glanced around the room at the official looking people talking to each other. 

“Mr. Peters, go ahead.” The secretary said. 

I gave her a small smile as I stood up, walking towards the door. 

Everything that I’d rehearsed in my mind seemed to disappear as I pushed open the door to Mr. Carson’s office. 

My heart was racing in my ears as I walked inside. 

“Dylan! Hi, how are you? I haven’t seen you in a while.” Mr. Carson smiled. 

I gave him a nervous smile, reaching to shake his hand as he stood up. 

“Hi, I’ve been great, yea. How about you?” I asked, trying not to sound as nervous as I was. 

“Great, here here take a seat. Can I get you something to drink?” Mr. Carson asked. 

I shook my head, sitting down on one of the white couches in his office. 

Every time I was in here, I couldn’t believe that I was actually in the oval office. 

“Alright, Dylan, what can I do for you today?” Mr. Carson asked, sitting down on the couch opposite me. 

I ran my hand through my hair. 

“Well, I uh, I have a question for you, about Sam.” I said, rubbing my hands over my knees. “As you know, we’ve been together for almost 7 years now, since high school. I can say without a doubt that she is the love of my life. See, I wasn’t sure whether I should ask you or Coach, but I decided on both, and uh, well.” I stopped, glancing up at him. 

Mr. Carson smiled. “Go on. “He laughed. 

“Is there any chance, wait no, sir, uh...” I stammered. What the hell was wrong with me? I’d rehearsed this countless times with Nate... 

“I was wondering if I could have your daughter’s hand in marriage?” I managed, my heart racing. 

Mr. Carson’s smile faded as he sat forwards, resting his elbows on his knees. 

“I promise I’ll take care of her for the rest of her life, and there won’t be a day that she’s not happy.” I said, the nerves from earlier starting to creep back in. 

“I have no doubt she will always be happy with you. But Dylan, you’re 24 years old, both of you...” Mr. Carson sighed. “Are you absolutely sure about this?” 

“Mr. Carson. I am in love with your daughter. And no matter how old I am, I will always be in love with her. I know you’d rather us wait a few years, but I’ve been wanting to marry your daughter since we were 17.” I said seriously. 

Mr. Carson sighed, leaning back on the couch. 

I couldn’t help but notice how much older he looked compared to when I first met him. Lines were there that hadn’t been there before. His hair was a lot more grey. And he over all looked tired. 

“Okay.” Mr. Carson nodded. 

“Sir I promise to- Wait you said okay.” I said, my eyes widening. “You- You said okay?” 

Mr. Carson laughed, standing up from the couch. 

I stood up as well. 

“Make her happy, Dylan, okay?” Mr. Carson said softly. 

“I promise.” I nodded, holding out my hand. 

“Come on, you’re family now.” Mr. Carson smiled, pulling me into a hug. 

I laughed and patted his back before stepping back. 

“Thank you, sir.” 

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