Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

“Room assignments.” Coach said, holding up a piece of paper. 

Even though he wasn’t head coach, he definitely still had the most power and respect. 

“There will be absolutely no switching, at all. You better be in your room at 10 o clock sharp, no later, or there will be consequences. If you miss bed check, you’re not playing on Friday.” Parker said, standing up next to Coach. 

We were all on the bus, ready for our long journey to Wisconsin. I was sitting in the very back next to Dylan. Matt and Luke were to our right, and Nate and Andrew were in the seats in front of us.

Coach started reading off the list of names, but none of us in the back really paid any attention until he got to the seniors. 

“Matt and Luke, you’re together. Nate with Dylan. Sam and Andrew.” Coach said, glancing up from his list to look at us. 

“What! Why does Andrew get to be with Sam?!” Nate protested. “Sam’s always on her own!” 

“Not today, be quiet Nate.” Coach said, shaking his head. “Alright, keep the noise down, we’ll stop in a few hours for a bathroom break and some food. Please do your best not to go in the bathroom back there, we all know how bad that starts to smell after a few days.” 

By now, we were already on the high way. 

I rested my head on Dylan’s shoulder as he covered both of us with a blanket. 

“Are you excited?” Dylan whispered in my ear. 

“To support my boyfriend? Of course.” I said softly. “There’s no way I’m playing though.” 

Dylan sighed, squeezing my hand. “I love you.” He kissed my cheek. 

“I love you too.” I whispered, closing my eyes. “Wake me up when we stop for food please...” 


“Babe, babe we’re at McDonalds.” Dylan said, shaking me awake. 

“Huh?” I mumbled, sitting up. “Oh shit I have to pee... Fucking hell...” 

The guys around me laughed as I stood up from my seat. 

“Dammit how long was I asleep for?” I swore as we made our way off of the bus. 

“Uh, almost 3 hours.” Dylan laughed. “You were snoring.” 

“Did I talk in my sleep?” I asked him softly. 

“Only things that I heard.” Dylan whispered in my ear, kissing the side of my head. 

“Alright team, get something to eat, use the bathroom, don’t be too loud.” Parker told us as we walked into McDonalds. 

I ran right for the girls bathroom, my bladder feeling like it was going to explode. 

When I got back to the table that everybody was sitting at, Dylan had bought me a smoothie and fries for us to share. 

“Mm thanks babe.” I smiled, sitting down in between him and Andrew. 

“What took you so long in there?” Dylan asked. 

I raised my eyebrows. “I had to pee, and there was a line. Girls aren’t like guys. We don’t just walk into the bathroom, pull it out, go, and leave. We’re much more hygienic than you.” I giggled, bumping his shoulder with mine. 

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