Christmas Bonus!

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So it's 1:30 in the morning on Christmas day and I'm wrapping my dad's Christmas gift because I'm just so well prepared (not) and for some reason I got the idea for this little bonus chapter, sort of a sneak peak into the sequel, about what it's like for Sam and Dylan in the first year of their marriage. Noah and Jake are in high school, Ethan and Colton are out of college, Adam's a dad, but Dylan and Sam still seem perfectly normal. Here's a little bit of the Peters Family for your Christmas...

Bonus Christmas Chapter

"Babe come on!" Dylan called down the hall, sounding extremely impatient.

"Do you mind? I'm busy!" I yelled through the bathroom door, staring intently at the stick in my hand.

"Sam..." Dylan whined. "Presents..."

"Stop acting like you're five!" I laughed, closing my eyes as if it would make the time pass quicker.

I heard Dylan groan as he walked away from the bathroom door.

I shook my head, trying to be optimistic about what I was about to see. Sure, it was only two weeks after our wedding and we'd only just gotten home from our honeymoon two days ago, but this had to be positive.

After years and years of using protection, wouldn't my body jump at the opportunity to finally make a baby?

I felt my phone buzz on the counter, signaling that the time was up.

With a grin, I looked down at the stick, ready to see that I was pregnant.

How amazing would it be to give this to Dylan as a Christmas present?

My heart sunk to the floor when I saw the little line on the stick that stated I was still without child...

"Oh screw you." I muttered to the stick as I wrapped it in toilet paper and tossed it in the trash.

I mean, I could still be pregnant, maybe it just wasn't registering on the test yet...

Yea, that's what it was. Most likely.

I washed my hands, already hearing Dylan impatiently calling for me.

"Babe would you chill? You're not always like this on Christmas?" I laughed, raising my eyebrows as I joined him in the small living room of our apartment.

He grinned excitedly as I sat down next to him on the couch.

"Here." He said, handing me the stack of presents that were addressed to me.

"We'll do it like we always do?" I raised my eyebrows.

Dylan nodded. "You first." He said, suddenly seeming extremely calm as he leaned back against the couch.

We went back and forth opening up our gifts from other people.

My parents bought me a cook book. How polite. My sisters bought me a scarf and a fancy watch that I'd definitely be wearing a lot.

Andrew gave me a huge box of merchandise from his talk show, literally only merchandise. I now was the proud owner of many mugs, tshirts, baseball caps, and a calendar of the Up To Date With Andrew show. All that was in the box was a little card with a winky face on it. I knew it was payback. For our birthday I'd gotten him a t-shirt with my face on it.

Nate sent me a pair of football tickets for when the Seattle Seahawks played the Detroit Lions, I guess I'd be going to see that game, considering he played for the Seahawks. Hannah sent me a postcard and a little bracelet with charms all about London on it. She'd been working there as a nanny for the past few years. We didn't hear much from her.

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