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"So, here's a deal." The gangster smiled again and Jin felt oddly comforted by his dimples and the way he spoke, "You tell me your name and I'll tell you mine."

Jin immediately shook his head. It didn't matter how kind or polite this man seemed, Jin wasn't playing his game. All he wanted was to go home. The brute, who from earlier on had been hidden in the shadows waiting on the man called Suga, finally stepped forward and into Jin's direct line of sight.

"He asked for your name." the brute pulled his own mask off, folding the cloth in his hands and giving Jin a look that would make anyone wither under his gaze.

He was a youthful sort with large muscles that didn't truly fit his face and body. He was skinny and tall but not as tall as the man in front of Jin. His hair was pitch black and fell neatly into his forehead to where Jin couldn't see the skin and just short of his eyes. He was wearing baggy black clothing with plenty of pockets. Jin wouldn't be surprised if those pockets were filled with some kind of dastardly weapons of maybe tear gas. Again, this man's features were sharp and not unkind. He had plenty of piercings in his ears and it looked like one lip piercing but otherwise there were no visible tattoos or any sort of body modification. He was clean shaven as well and looked almost a little punkish. It would have been a funny thought had he not been the person who had tied Jin to a chair and who had the strength of a gorilla.

"It's ok, Kookie." The tall one said over his shoulder to the other man, Kookie. He turned back to Jin with a full smile, showing perfect teeth, "I'm RM. And this-" he spread his arms out in a sweeping motion, "-is our hideout." He winked, "For right now anyway."

Jin shuddered unwillingly. He had so many emotions running through him. He still felt sick to his stomach but it was slowly turning into a ravenous hunger. He hadn't eaten much of anything that day and so he was very hungry. He had been kidnapped, though. He couldn't ask for food. He wouldn't even tell these men his name, how could he expect to be fed? However, the tall one – RM – had saved him from Suga and his knife. Maybe he would try and take care of Jin?

How could Jin think of food in a time like this anyway? Food wasn't important.

"You shot him...." Jin mumbled, unable to meet the man's eyes.

The other frowned, tilting his head and looking at Kookie, "Who?"

"Jackson." Jin thought a moment, "The bank teller."

The taller actually laughed, "Yeah, I shot him. So?"

Jin felt his eyes clouding over with tears and this time he did meet RM's eyes, "You murdered him!" he shouted as loudly as his broken voice would allow him to.

RM's laugh fell and his face became hard, his eyes icier, "Shut your mouth," he growled, "You don't know jackshit, ok? He wasn't dead after I shot him. And whether he bled out on that floor or not is no damn concern of mine." His fists clenched and unclenched. He threw a look over to Kookie and huffed before calming himself down, "Look, I get it. You're upset. You've been kidnapped."

Jin would have actually snorted had he not been so afraid. Instead, he settled for dropping his head down and avoiding eye contact. It had been a bold move to say anything but in his heart, defiance seemed like the only weapon he had.

"You're lucky you're not dead," Kookie muttered, his own icy glare being thrown at Jin. Jin tried to shrink back and make himself as small as possible. Perhaps it had been an error to bring up the bank teller. But who could just kill so easily?

"So," RM continued, ignoring Kookie, "Are you gonna tell me your name or am I just gonna keep calling you pretty boy?"

When Jin didn't answer the youngest of the three men giggled, "Maybe that's his kink."

Jin felt his cheeks heating up and wished he could snap back at the younger man but he knew better than to open his mouth. However, when he neither confirmed nor denied the accusation, RM also joined in with Kookie's laughing.

Before Jin could stop himself he was already blurting out, "Is Cookie your real name because that's food..."

The laughter stopped and he was given another glare from the muscled brute. He assumed his name must have been a bit of a sore spot and was surprised when Rm started laughing once again. The youngest raised his hand as if to hit Jin and Jin flinched, trying to angle his head away to where a blow would do the least amount of damage. But RM caught Kookie's fist and calmed him down.

"It's short for Jungkook!" he defended, crossing his muscled arms over his chest and huffing in annoyance, "If RM hyung wasn't here right now I would have knocked your head off your shoulders."

"Come on, Kook," RM patted Jungkook's shoulder, "Can you imagine damaging that gorgeous face?" he chuckled again, sending Jin another flirtatious wink, "There's a lot of things I'd do to that body but punching it is not one of them."

Jin, flustered, looked away.

"Aww," the taller gangster cooed, "Someone's shy."

"What do you want from me?" Jin asked, his voice low as he kept his head down.

"I don't want anything from you." RM said, "I just need you around for a while in case the police figure out where we are. You're a bargaining chip, pretty boy." His lips spread out into an almost evil grin as he stared Jin down, "Although, you could give us some entertainment..."

Jin shivered. He didn't like the voice RM had used and he felt sick with what the man was insinuating, "What does that mean?"

"What do you think it means?" Jungkook interrupted, a grin plastered on his own face that wasn't entirely kind.

Jin shook his head, struggling against the ropes holding him down, "Please," he begged, "I just want to go home!"

"We all want things pretty boy, we don't always get them, though. I wanted that bank robbery to go off without a hitch. It didn't and I had to take you hostage." RM reached out and caressed Jin's face with soft fingers but Jin jerked away from the touch. He was sorry he did. RM lurched forward and clutched his jaw roughly, yanking his face back and level to the gangster's own. Jin could see Jungkook snickering out of the side of his vision but it was hard to focus on anything other than RM's displeased frown directly before him.

Jin fumbled with the ropes that bound him uncomfortably. They were digging into his skin as he shifted around but he couldn't stay still. He didn't like looking this man in the eye. RM's eyes weren't completely unkind. Jin had expected them to look far more glassy or perhaps almost dead inside – why wouldn't they? He had killed people – but they were warm and held the color of rich chocolate. The warmth meant nothing, though, Jin had seen this man shoot another man dead. The warmth was a lie.

"Look at me when I speak to you!" RM demanded, his fingernails digging into Jin's skin, "Don't ever jerk away from me again, do you understand?"

Jin tried nodding but he was greatly impaired due to RM clutching at his jaw. He whimpered when the grip on his jaw tightened, hurting him greatly.

"Words, pretty boy." RM ordered.

"I understand..." Jin murmured as well as he could with the hand on his jaw. RM released Jin, letting the older man work his jaw back and forth to rid it of some of the pressure and pain.

"Good night, pretty boy." RM turned his back, waving Jungkook along behind him. As the mounted the stairs, Jin was plunged into a cold darkness. His hot tears were the only thing that warmed him that night.


PLease comment! Also, if you'd rather I change the updating schedule and switched Pretty Boy to where I update it more, just let me know.

And GUesS WhAT!! NEW NEIGHBOR HIT 2K! I might do something special for that! Let me know if you have any special 2k requests!!

Crossed Hearts could use some love too... just a suggestion if you need more to read XD

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