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There was a brief fight. Jin didn't want to be tied up again and he wasn't going to beg about it at the moment. He tried to wench himself out of Jimin's hold and he ended up being able to do so with a swift kick sent to Jimin's privates. The gangster went down like a bag of bricks, crying out and collapsing to the floor while his hands flew to his pained area. It took about two seconds for Jungkook to spring into action. He practically body slammed Jin before he could go anywhere, pinning his frame to the kitchen table and sending pistols and bullet clips all over the floor. A bag was forced over Jin's head as he struggled, multiple hands finding him. His arms were wrenched behind his back as someone – he assumed Jungkook – held him down.

"Just calm down. You're not going anywhere, Jin." RM's voice, or should he say Namjoon's, was right in his ear as the hauntingly familiar feeling of rope was tightened around his thudding wrists. He made a noise of discomfort in the back of his throat as his bonds rubbed his already raw skin over the bandages.

"Bitch-" Jimin growled out. His voice was still somewhat strangled from the pain but Jin could hear that he had climbed to his feet and was now standing over him, "When we get settled either back here or at the new hideout I want some alone time with him."

Jin didn't hear any verbal reply. For all he knew Namjoon could have nodded his head in agreement or he could have given Jimin some kind of negative response. He prayed like hell that RM hadn't agreed to leave him alone with Jimin. He had barely seen anything of him but he was already as frightened of Jimin as he was of Yoongi.

The front door must have been opened because Jin could hear the police sirens now. They were far off in the distance – too far to be of any help to him at the moment. He didn't know where they were going but he could only hope they were coming for him. Maybe they had tracked his location on his cell phone and now they were showing up. Maybe Jin would be saved and he could go home and forget anything happened.

Jin was yanked upwards, almost completely off his feet as someone began pulling him towards the door. He couldn't see anything, he could only hear what was going on around him and feel whatever was beneath his sneakers. He felt the wooden floor change to concrete as he tripped down a few steps. Concrete turned to gravel and the sound of sirens were getting closer. Jin kicked out, using his weight to try and tear himself away and towards the ground. It almost worked and he was dropped halfway to the ground before being ripped back up.

Jin immediately started screaming, digging his heels into the gravel and shouting for anyone to hear or help him. Hands were changed on his skin and then he was being picked up fully and slung over someone's shoulder. He kicked and struggled, screaming and shouting for someone – anyone – to save him or help him. He was thrown onto something cold and metal. He assumed he was being put back into the van he had been kidnapped in. Jin let a small grunt slip past his lips as he landed on the metal surface, scrabbling upright into a sitting position while hissing at the cold on his bare chest. There was very little he could do as his hands had been tied behind his back. He started using his knees to try and grab or slip the bag off his head as the gang member clambered in, slamming doors and cursing loudly for the others to move.

Jin almost had the bag over his head when it was yanked back down and he was pulled into someone's lap. He squirmed, lashing out with his legs only for those to be held down by someone else. His screaming stopped – no one would hear him in the van. Jin could hear his own ragged breathing and the sounds of the other gang members rushing about, throwing stuff into the van. He just wished he could do something. He was being held down, his legs by one of the gang members and his upper body by another. He shifted and felt the man under him shift as well as the van's engine roared to life and the driver took off, spitting gravel from under the tires and accelerating as quickly as possible.

"That was really stupid, pretty boy." The voice of the man holding Jin's body to his lap was Yoongi's. Jin shivered, finding new energy to try and get out of Yoongi's hold. He squirmed and wriggled, pulling at his legs as well but whoever was holding him down by his ankles was strong. Jin guessed it was either Jimin or Jungkook. Yoongi's arms wrapped around him even tighter, looping around his naked chest and pulling him closer to Yoongi's clothed front. The zippers of his jacket scratched at Jin's skin, marking his back with short, red lines. Yoongi's thumb also kept rubbing up and down his naked side. He tried to scamper away from it but Yoongi now had him in a firm hold where he could barely move. The last thing Jin could do to try and get free was use his hands to pinch Yoongi's stomach through his shirt and jacket and he doubted that would work. In the end, the only part of his body Jin could really move were his stomach and hips. He started bucking his hips wildly, still trying to wriggle his arms free.

Jin heard a snigger.

"How about you buck those hips when one of us is topping you?" the voice belonged to Namjoon. It was enough to make Jin go completely slack in Yoongi's hold.

He heard Yoongi laugh lightly behind him, the gangster's breath puffing out onto Jin's nape through the mask. He shivered again and felt Yoongi release his hold the slightest bit. At least he wasn't being crushed by the man's grip anymore but there still wasn't nearly enough slack to let him get free. His ankles were still being gripped tightly. Jin almost squeaked as his blood flow was cut off and the need to shuffle around consumed him. His feet started to get that prickly feeling one has whenever their foot falls asleep. It was most uncomfortable and Jin's feet felt as though a million tiny needles were poking into his skin through his shoes and socks. He decided not to move, though. Whenever he tried to move his legs, even in the slightest, the grip on his ankles became unbearably tight. Jin came to the conclusion it would be better to have numb feet than to entice the wrath of one of the gang members again.

The police sirens had faded to nothing now and Jin noticed that whoever was driving had turned the radio on. It was playing a pop station Jin used to listen to all the time. He noticed BigBang's Bang Bang Bang quietly leaking out of the van speakers. There was quiet chatter in the van, too. Jin couldn't really pick any of it out. All the men closest to him were silent, give or take a yawn or sneeze or sniffle. Yoongi had been as silent as death itself and as still as well. He hadn't moved in any way Jin could feel or hear and his grip had neither lessened nor tightened.

Jin was exhausted. He hadn't slept well the night before. He had been in pain the entire time with strange men who he didn't know and he wasn't sure if they wanted to kill him or have sex with him. He wished Hoseok was around. That man had been his only light in this dark place and something inside of Jin told him that Hoseok would watch out for him and keep him safe – for the most part...

Jin found himself nodding off. His head kept lolling back and onto Yoongi's shoulder. Every small bump in the road woke him from his almost-slumber, reminding him that he wasn't in a safe place to fall asleep. That didn't stop the exhaustion from seeping into his bones, filling his body with lead and fuzzing up his mind to where the only thing he wanted to do was nod off. There was no immediate danger and some small part of Jin told him that whatever happened, he could deal with it when he woke up. He had no more adrenaline to spare at the moment. He was hungry and tired and in need of a shower. All he could do out of those three things was sleep.

Yoongi almost chuckled at the man in his lap. His head kept bumping his shoulder before Jin would sit up straight, shaking himself almost awake and then nodding off once more. They had been on the road a good two hours when Jin finally fell asleep, his neck angled back and head rested completely on Yoongi's left shoulder. He heard soft snickers from the others in the van, telling him how lucky he was or how they wished they were holding the man. Jin's legs were let down onto the floorboards of the van, the need to hold him no longer present as he slipped off into his own dream land.

Yoongi didn't reply to any of the jesting. He knew Jin's life was going to be absolute hell when he woke up.

Jimin was always adamant about payback and Namjoon had already given him the go-ahead to have his time with the sleeping man.


Sorry for the late update, I was out of town.

The oneshot should be up today or tomorrow! I know it was for 1K views but in this week alone, Pretty Boy had already gotten another 1K views so I guess we're celebrating 2K views! :D 

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