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"Just calm down," Taehyung purred.

Jungkook had never actually seen his hyung try to seduce anyone. For the most part, Taehyung could just have his way with any of their gang without having to try too very hard. They weren't skittish and it helped release pent up stress. Jin, however, was very skittish and every time Taehyung would run his fingertips over his naked shoulders, Jin would jump and make to cover his chest with his arms.

Taehyung was getting very bored with the man's reaction. He wanted to sink his teeth into those broad shoulders but he couldn't do that because Jin was being too much of a prude for his taste. Of course, Taehyung's targets were normally people he wasn't necessarily attracted to but people they needed information from and people who would pay Taehyung good money for a one night stand. He had never tried to play with someone they had already kidnapped. Usually it would be his task to get someone drunk or drugged enough for the rest of the gang to kidnap them. But here was Jin, sitting upright and pretty with those plush lips and Taehyung couldn't even taste them.

He stood back with a huffed, putting his hands on his lips, "Am I not pretty enough?" he stared Jin down but the man seemed to be surprised.

"What?" Jin squeaked out, still covering his chest the best he could with his hands.

Taehyung wasn't listening to Jin. Instead he was trying to figure out in his own mind where he went wrong, "Or am I coming on too strong? I can be a sub, too, y'know – I just need to know which way you roll."

"I knew you were a switch..." Jungkook muttered from the stairs.

Jin shivered and wondered how one earth the man he knew as V wasn't cold with what he had on. He was still confused, though. Why were they talking about switches and sub? "Umm..."

"How about we play a game?" Taehyung clapped his hands, obviously excited at this new prospect of playing.

"Game?" Jin asked.

Taehyung nodded and waved Jungkook over. The youngest hauled himself up from his seat on the bottom stair to come over and stand by Taehyung.

"Yes, game." Taehyung cleared his throat, "You get to ask us a question and we have to answer but for every question we answer, one of us gets a kiss."

Jin's eyes went wide, "Kiss?" What was this gang and kissing? Jin almost blurted out that they had to be the gayest gang in the history of all gangs but at least they weren't hurting him and they were kind of hot. It was horrible reasoning to kiss them but Jin did have questions and if they were willing to answer, what was one kiss? Or a few...

Jungkook smirked, "I think it sounds like a fun game."

Taehyung clapped again, a boxy grin sneaking onto his features, "It's two against one – you have to play now anyway!" he made a rolling motion with his hand, "What's your first question?"

Jin took a breath, trying to calm himself. The situation was ridiculous and uncomfortable and he didn't even have a shirt on.

"Can I have my shirt back?" he asked, hopefully.

Jungkook tilted his head, eyes scanning over Jin's thin stomach and broad shoulders, "Maybe later." He hummed.

"Like, after the game," Taehyung agreed, his own eyes greedily taking in Jin's body as well. Taehyung had seen plenty of bodies but even he had to admit, out of all the people he had slept with or lusted after, Jin had to have one of the best bodies of them all.

Jin nodded. At least he could have it back...

"Now, who do you want to kiss?" Taehyung's deep voice had dropped even deeper and it made Jin's head snap up to look him in the eye, "You get to pick the first time and from then on we switch."

Jin didn't want to kiss either of them. His choices were terrible. Gang Member One who had pinned him to the floor and manhandled him everywhere or Gang Member Two who he really knew nothing about other than he was a very handsome and very provocative man who didn't want to keep his hands to himself. In the end, Jin picked Jungkook, much to Taehyung's disappointment. The other man pouted and looked at his abs and outfit, muttering about how they had failed him. Jungkook snickered but was quick to step up and claim a quick kiss from Jin's lips. It was barely a touch of lips on lips – hardly even a peck – but the quickness of it made Jin feel somewhat relieved.

He felt relieved that is until Taehyung scoffed at them, "You call that a kiss, Kookie?" he crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head disapprovingly, "Yoongi could do better than that."

"Who's Yoongi?" Jin asked the question before he could stop himself.

Taehyung practically lit up, "You probably know him as Suga – the meanie who tried to cut you."

Jin didn't even have time to laugh at the fact a gang member who had robbed a bank and kidnapped him had referred to another gang member as a "meanie" as Taehyung was already pushing Jungkook aside to get to him. Before Taehyung did anything more, though, he looked back at Jungkook with a smirk, "I'm going to show you what a real kiss looks like, little boy."

He pulled Jin up to his feet. Jin hadn't expected Taehyung to be so strong and he nearly tripped over his own feet. Taehyung pulled him flush against his chest to where there was no room between them left. Jin yelped as those same hands that had pulled him up held him still before slinking down to his hips and playing with the waistband of his jeans.

Jungkook sneered, "Are you going to kiss him or undress him?"

"I want him to be comfortable enough to kiss back." Taehyung's voice was low and deep, his eyes focused on Jin's wandering ones. Jin was anything but comfortable and wanted nothing more than to pull away from the gangster holding him. But with Jungkook there, there was very little he could do. He rested his hands on Taehyung's chest. He seemed to take that as enough of a go-ahead and dipped his head down until it was level with Jin's. There wasn't much of a height difference but Taehyung was a few centimeters taller than Jin.

Jin shivered when Taehyung's lips brushed against his own. It was a completely different feeling from his kiss with RM but despite his ill feelings, he couldn't say it was bad. Taehyung's lips were more skilled that RM's. It was clear he had kissed more than either Jungkook or their leader. Taehyung was in control, his hands pressing Jin firmly against him – one buried in his hair to keep his head where he wanted and the other on the small of his back holding him close.

It wasn't a short kiss. Jungkook's had been quick and RM's had been tame. Taehyung's was neither. It was simple to start, much like Jin's kiss with RM. Their lips moved together gently, eyes shut and breathing synced. Then Taehyung started adding more to it. He nipped at Jin's bottom lip, pulling it slightly and making Jin let out a small whine. Taehyung could tell Jin was trying to move back and break the kiss but he didn't allow it. His hold on Jin's black locks tightened and he pulled the man back to his lips, kissing and nipping at his mouth. He enjoyed the way Jin would shiver as he let his hand slide up and down, tracing his spine.

Taehyung quickly swiped his tongue over Jin's bottom lip and when Jin didn't allow him access, Taehyung tugged on his hair. Jin gasped, his mouth opening ever so slightly and allowing Taehyung to shove his tongue in and taste all of the other man. Jin was hesitant at first but he was soon lost in the buzzing feeling in his lips and the smoothness of Taehyung's tongue against his own and he practically melted against the gangster. Taehyung smirked as their kiss deepened – more tongue and biting – knowing he had finally gotten Jin where he wanted him.

"Are you done yet?" Jungkook's voice was the thing that finally broke their kiss – or make-out session.

Taehyung pulled back fully, letting Jin slump back in his chair as his knees gave out, lips swollen and the same cherry red as Taehyung's. Taehyung smirked, running the pad of his thumb over Jin's bottom lip and then lifting it to his own mouth and sucking the digit, all while maintain eye contact. Jin was turned on and he'd be a liar if he said otherwise.

He needed to get out of there....


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Tell me what you'd like me to do as celebration. I know you want a special chapter but I'm kind of stuck, my dudes. Any suggestions?

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