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Jin struggled under Jungkook's grasp as Hoseok went to get RM. The younger man was having none of it and easily held Jin down. It didn't matter how much he thrashed and cursed, Jungkook held him tightly to the floor, straddling his waist and pinning him face down on the cold tile. There was nothing Jin could do but scrabble for some type of hold but Jungkook made that virtually impossible as he held his wrists tightly in his hands to the cold floor.

There were the sounds of footsteps approaching and Jin's stomach filled with sickly dread as he heard RM's deep voice speaking to either the other deep voiced man or Hoseok.

"Did any of you check his pockets?" RM demanded from the other gangsters standing around. This time Jin could hear him clearly. He must have reached the doorway.

No one answered, their gazes everywhere but their angered leader. RM scoffed, "I should have known." His eyes turned to Jungkook. The youngest was practically just sitting on the man, keeping his somewhat still as he seemed to have given up fighting, "Bring him into my office." He ordered, walking back down the hall into his workplace – where he had been before he had been interrupted by his men's stupidity.

"Yes, sir," Jungkook responded before yanking Jin up and practically throwing him out into the hallway. Jin knew he was done for. He had been told before he wasn't that important. Would they kill him?

"Who did he call?" RM asked the youngest. He wasn't struggling with Jin anymore. The older man seemed to have given up entirely – all of his fight had left him and he simply let himself be manhandled and dragged down the hallway. He did wish he could've gotten his short back, though. He hadn't had a chance to even scrabble for it and he shivered without the thin layer of clothing on.

"All I heard was him saying his name was Kim Seokjin." Jungkook shrugged. Jin winced as his words were accompanied by a harsh twisting of his arm once more.

"The police then," RM muttered, mostly to himself.

RM opened one of the doors, motioning for Jungkook and Jin to enter before he did. Jungkook pushed Jin inside and Jin felt tears prick at his eyes as the door slammed shut behind RM. Jungkook held him still again as RM made his way around the room to a desk placed more or less in the middle of the room. It was a fairly empty room. There were a few computer monitors on another desk behind the first that was pushed up against the back wall. They were all switched off but the power buttons still glowed a light yellow saying they were only asleep.

The windows were covered with blinds and the blinders were shut. The only light came from a light fixture in the center of the room and from a small lamp on RM's first desk. The walls were the same off-white color as the hallway but the floor was carpeted with an old, flat, grey carpet.

The gang leader took a seat in a chair behind his desk, his lips drawn into a frown as he took in the sight of his handsome hostage being held painfully tight by his youngest member. He nodded to Jungkook. Jin was quite brutally thrown into a chair opposite of RM on the other side of the desk. He took very little solace in the fact that there was at least a small desk separating them. The gangster was looking on with cold, emotionless eyes – the kind that most people feared. There was no anger, there was no emotion, only a cold, hard stare boring into Jin's soul and making him fidget. Jungkook left them, slamming the door shut behind him as he exited. Jin jumped at the loud banging noise but it wasn't nearly as chilling as the eerie silence that took over the room afterwards.

"What should I do with you, Jin?" RM demanded. They were alone. RM held all the cards and Jin was powerless to do nothing but wait.

Jin was shaking uncontrollably, especially his hands. His eyes flitted around the room before landing solely on his lap. He thought to try and cover his chest but in the end, what was the point?

"Should I punish you?" RM's voice made Jin's head snap up, "Would you like that, hm?"

Jin shook his head, shrinking in on himself as RM stood and made his way over to him. Jin didn't move – didn't dare to move thinking of what the consequences of such action would be. His lack of verbal response seemed to only frustrate the gang leader. He was leaning over Jin now, one arm stabling himself on the back of Jin's chair, his face only a few inches away from Jin's. His eyes were raking down Jin's unclothed upper half, taking in his skin tone and broad shoulders and the muscles of his arms. Jin tried to avoid the stare being sent his way but it was impossible with the lack of distance between them. Jin had expected the gangster to smell of cheap cigarettes, booze or even drugs or weed but he didn't. He smelled of expensive cologne. The smell of it invaded Jin's nostrils, the sharp and tangy scent of citrus becoming his focus.

"What did I tell you earlier, Jin?" RM demanded, his eyes blazing with an ill light.

Jin stilled himself as well as he could, looking RM in the face. He was in enough trouble, he didn't want the gangster to grab his face like he had the night before.

"That's better," RM purred, his hand caressing Jin's cheek. Everything inside Jin was screaming at him to swat the hand away or yank himself away but he knew it would be met with swift repercussions if he tried. Jin sucked in a gulp of air. His lungs felt like they had been cut off but there was nothing prohibiting his breathing besides his nerves. He was slowly breaking down in front of the gangster despite his best efforts of holding himself together.

RM looked on with something almost akin to pity in his eyes but there was something darker there, too, lurking under the surface, "Look, Hoseok already told you we only need you for a little while. We have no problem with being civil if you just obey the damn rules. I'm not asking a lot – just obedience for a little while. Why can't you do that, Jin? Tell me."

Jin sucked in another breath, breathing in nothing but the aroma of sharp citrus, as his eyes locked on the warm eyes of RM, "I-I'm sorry, I wa-wanna go h-h-home..."

RM sighed, finally standing back. Jin felt the air around him become a bit more breathable. RM rubbed his eyes, trying to stay calm, "We've been through this, Jin. You can't get what you want." Another sigh, "It's not like I can blame you, though. I get it – you've been kidnapped, whatever, you're all scared, blah, blah, blah...." He threw another glance at Jin and his features softened as he took in the handsome man before him. Jin was barely shorter than himself but the way he was twisted in on himself made him look very small and meek as though he couldn't hurt a fly. He was shaking, his plush lower lip wobbling uncontrollably as he waited for some sort of punishment. RM almost smiled as a thought came to mind. As long as Jin was here and he had already fallen into ill favor with the others, the leader might as well have a tad bit of fun.

He stepped forward again, crouching down in front of Jin with an evil smile dancing on his lips. Jin refused to look at him at first but quickly brought his eyes to RM's as he remembered the command he was given earlier.

"Do you want me to hurt you, Jin?"

The man quickly shook his head, tears welling in his eyes and finally dropping onto his cheeks.

RM clicked his tongue, "Words, baby,"

Jin sucked in another quick breath, "No, sir..."

RM actually cracked a grin, "Sir? I like that..." he hummed before letting his grin settle back down into a smile once more, "There's a way you can get out of me hurting you as a punishment."

Jin looked at him expectantly, his eyes glittering with a mixture of unfallen tears and hope.

"Kiss me,"


I've been dying to get this chapter up! Also I'm screaming thank you and bless your little hearts for over 500 views! I'm screaming it's amazing and you guys are amazing!

Also, I love reading your comments - they're so sassy and honestly make my day!

Please comment and vote!

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