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Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook had left Jin by himself. They weren't sure what else to do and they weren't going to stay in the room with him. It was disturbing, even to them, to a point. So they did what Namjoon was currently trying to do. They went to find Hoseok. They found the masked man in the kitchen talking to their leader. He seemed uncharacteristically stoic and he left before the three meant even got to ask him anything or tell him of Jin's condition. Namjoon told them to leave Hoseok be. He was going to take care of everything. And so the three dispersed, going to do their own things as they worried about their hostage.

Jin's face was blank as Hoseok entered. Namjoon had told him he had been sitting on the bed but what he had heard from the others, he expected Jin to be by the window. He was still sitting on the edge of the bed, back straight and face blank, eyes glossed over. He hadn't moved at all, waiting for someone to come back in or darkness and night to fall completely to where he would wear out enough to sleep for a few hours. He moved his head when he didn't hear any voice. He was glad to see Hoseok... it felt like years since he had seen the one man willing to help him, mask back in place and brown hair still shining nicely in the overhead light.

Without thinking much, Jin stood and walked over to the gang member. Hoseok stayed still, simply watching Jin's measured movements and how he walked with a purpose, as if he had suddenly come to life once again. They were chest to chest before Hoseok even realized what was happening. The gangster gasped in surprise. Jin had ripped down his mask and was kissing him, hard. Their mouths molded together, Hoseok not even realizing he was kissing back until Jin's hands wandered to his beltline and pulled on his belt loops to bring them closer together.

Jin was addictive. Hoseok had realized that when they had first met. His voice was angelic – his moans even more so. His looks were perfection, a true gift of genetics and Hoseok thought his parents must be striking as well to create such a masterpiece. His lips were so plush and soft against Hoseok's slightly chapped ones but they didn't feel chapped as Jin was kissing him. Hoseok's skin was on fire. There was one desire in his mind and he knew he needed to calm himself.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hoseok pulled their hostage off of him. He didn't like the dead look in Jin's eyes, as if he was simply going through all the motions. It hurt him – reminded him of himself all those years ago. It hurt even more when he realized he had done the same thing – given what was expected, adapted to the situation for fear of dying or being replaced. Jin wasn't thinking straight or he wouldn't be doing this.

He needed to fix this. He needed to get Jin help.

"What you really want," Jin answer back, promptly placing open mouth kisses against the side of Hoseok's neck where the mask was absent and he had free reign of Hoseok's honey toned skin. He didn't mark it, though, unsure if he had such permission. He wrapped his arms around Hoseok's shoulders, resting them there lightly as he went about his business.

Hoseok gasped at the feeling, trying to control himself. But all he saw in his mind was Jin panting, moaning and begging that one night in the basement. It still haunted him, made him want to kiss Jin silly and claim him as his own and protect him from all the evils his world had. He thought about that night so very often, woke up from having dreams of how it could have gone even better if he were given more time and free reign. It was a bad thought to have in the moment and Hoseok felt himself becoming a bit aroused. He needed to put a stop to his thoughts and Jin's actions. He was finally able to pry Jin away, taking his hands in his own and holding onto them tightly.

"Stop." His tone left no room for argument. He saw Jin's face fall even more. As if that was possible...

"I wanted to thank you," Jin mumbled, "I didn't know how else to-"

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