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"Namjoon said no one was allowed to touch him." Jungkook was trying to make an argument his hyung would actually listen to. However, Yoongi was about the most stubborn person in their gang's core group and words would do Jungkook little good. He just hoped Namjoon would hurry and come down the stairs before Yoongi messed their hostage up too badly or there would be hell to pay for all of them. He threw a glance at Jimin, a silent request for some kind of verbal backup. Yoongi listened to Jimin more times than not but when Jungkook looked to him, there was nothing there but the same excitement for Jin's fate that Yoongi held in his own eyes.

"I've already kicked his stomach in and now you're fussing over that? Screw Namjoon, I don't give a damn." Yoongi had already picked out another vial of something, readying yet another needle and preparing the contents with steady hands and excited eyes.

"That's not very kind, Suga." Namjoon came walking down the stairs. He was clearly in a bad mood, his lips twisted into a frown as he stared down the shorter man. Jimin was trailing after him, his face stoic and Jin and Yoongi realized he must have gone and gotten Namjoon when he thought Yoongi was going to go against Namjoon's orders. Jungkook sighed in a little bit of relief. If anything happened now, it would be on Yoongi's shoulders and not his.

"He punched me!" Yoongi stomped over to Jin, lifting his hands and about to strike Jin in the face. Jin turned his head and screwed his eyes shut, praying that Yoongi would just get it over with and hit him quickly and only once. The strike never came, however. When he opened his eyes, Jin saw that Namjoon had grabbed Yoongi's hand and was keeping him from doing anything. A very long pause came over everyone in the room. Yoongi knew the rules. Namjoon was in charge and even though he was older, Namjoon deserved his respect and obedience.

"I said not to touch him. And I meant it." Namjoon's voice dropped a few octaves as he and Yoongi stayed in some kind of staring match. Neither of them blinked or said a word, their gazes telling each other everything they needed to know.

In the end, Yoongi backed off first, yanking his hand away and stepping back. He knew his place and even though he had to be reminded of it at times, he would never blatantly disobey his leader. Namjoon deserved his respect and Yoongi was willing to give it.

It was Jin's turn to be taken under the shrewd and slightly angered gaze of the gang leader. His breath hitched in his chest as Jungkook tightened his hold again. Jin knew the rules as well. He was to look Namjoon in the eye. If he didn't, there would be immediate consequences.

"You hit him?" Namjoon's voice was still low.

Jin said nothing. Jungkook was cutting off too much of his air. Everything was going hazy. All he could really see was Namjoon's outline and hear the threat in his voice. The threat was meaningless at the moment, though. Jin needed air. He couldn't be punished if he was dead. Unless death was his punishment...

Namjoon clicked his tongue and looked at their youngest, "Jungkook, let him go."

Jin was thrown to the floor immediately. He barely moved, only scrabbling for a better hold on the floor to lift himself up a tad bit as he took in greedy gulps of air. His head was aching and his vision slowly returned to normal. Jin idly wondered if his throat was marked up at this point but figured it couldn't have been since Jungkook hadn't held his throat with his hands and only wrapped his forearms around him.

Namjoon couched down to the gasping man, watching as he spluttered for enough air to function properly. It was oddly satisfying watching how those pink lips opened and closed as he tried to breath and Namjoon found himself mesmerized by the color.

"You really are asking for trouble, pretty boy. Punching Suga?" Jin was surprised to hear Namjoon give a breathy laugh, "Are you trying to die?"

Jin didn't answer, only looking Namjoon in the eye as he coughed and tried to take deep breaths. He had no answer to give the man. Not one that would satisfy him, anyway. Namjoon didn't take his eyes from Jin's as he ordered Yoongi to go get his case. Yoongi did so silently, putting the case beside Namjoon when he had fetched it. The leader broke eye contact with Jin to look through the case, eyes settle on the bottles of drugs and the needles.

"What were you planning on giving him?" Namjoon asked the shorter man.

Yoongi smirked, "Ketamine."

Namjoon pulled a face, "You were going to kill him?"

Jin swallowed thickly. Obviously, whatever Ketamine was it was dangerous and Jin didn't want to have it inside of him.

"No," Yoongi scoffed, "It might make him really sick but it would give him hallucinations. Just something a bit torturous."

Namjoon paused for a moment, looking up from the case and back to Jin's face. He could see the man looking through all the drugs as well and it made him almost smile.

"Do you have any GHB?"

Yoongi practically glowed, lighting up like a child on Christmas morning, "Of course," he turned to Jungkook, "Go get a glass of water for pretty boy here, ok?"

Jungkook said nothing, he just rushed up the stairs to do as he was told.

"Do you know what GHB is, pretty boy?" Yoongi chuckled as he took out the first layer of drugs – the ones with all the needles and liquids – and began to sort through various pill bottles. He finally plucked a pill bottle from his case with a small noise of satisfaction. He popped the cap open and took out one of the pills, observing it and looking over it intently.

"No," Jin croaked. God, his throat was dry and aching. He was thankful that Jungkook was getting him water but he didn't like why.

"Then this will be fun..." Yoongi muttered, finally pleased with the pill he had chosen, "It's Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid."

Jin gave him a confused look but Yoongi said no more. He just grinned, and grinned even harder showing gums when Jungkook came ambling down the stairs. He handed the water to Namjoon with a small bow of his head and then made his way back to where he was standing behind Jin. Namjoon snapped his fingers at the youngest and Jin found himself being picked up again, dragged into a standing position by Jungkook hooking his hands under Jin's arms.

Namjoon and Yoongi turned their backs on Jin, letting Jungkook hold him up. They murmured quietly between themselves as they stood shoulder to shoulder. Jin couldn't see what they were doing but he saw Jimin walk over to them, smiling and nodding along.

When they turned around, the water was swirling in the cup and through the glass Jin could make out that the clear water had turned a white hazy color. They had put something in that drink. And all the sudden Jin wasn't as thirsty anymore. The cup was thrust into his hands anyway and Jin thought to smash it on the ground. He wouldn't have to drink it if it was destroyed.

Namjoon growled in the back of his throat as if he could hear what Jin was thinking, "If you drop that cup, smash it – try to get rid of it in any way – I'll have Jimin force you onto your knees to lick it up from the floor and then I'll let Suga do whatever he wants to that pretty body of yours." He stepped closer, into Jin's personal space, backing him up until Jin's back met the hardness of Jungkook's chest and he could no longer back away, "Are we clear?"

"Yes, sir..." Jin squeaked out. He was met with a smile of approval from Namjoon. It was obvious he liked being called sir.

"Now, drink it. All of it."



Also, drugs are used and I don't really know much about them besides what I learned on the internet so I'm sorry if it's not 100% accurate, I'm trying :)

Thank you all for reading, I appreciate it so much! the attention Pretty Boy has gotten is amazing and you're all fantastic!   

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