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Chapter 2 of the double update! Hope you enjoy! warning for this chapter, stuff goes down


Jin had a sinking feeling in his chest when he was taken down – once again – stairs and into a basement. He didn't even need his blindfold off to tell where he was going anymore. What the hell was with these gangsters and basements? It was utterly ridiculous. He felt the shift in air. He was somewhere cold like it was in the first basement. Someone dragged him over to a chair before sitting him down. Whoever had been carrying him hadn't really bothered to actually carry him the rest of the way one they got down the stairs, opting instead to simply drag him across the cold floor.

Jin wanted to complain when he was once again sat down into a chair. He was actually sick of sitting around and doing nothing. He never thought he'd actually say or think those words but as his hands and legs were tied to the chair they rang clearly in his mind. He heard slight murmuring behind him, deep voices and he guessed Taehyung and Yoongi must have been the ones trying to tie him up. Despite Taehyung's insanely provocative and flirty nature, Jin found a sort of refuge in the man. It was as if he was certain the man would do him no harm and Jin wasn't sure if Taehyung was harmful at all.

The blindfold across his eyes was finally taken away with a rather absurd flourish from none other than, as Jin had guess, Kim Taehyung. The man was for once dressed casually in skinny jeans and a baggy tee, his hair held back from his forehead under a dark red, maroon-ish beanie. Jin had to admit, his serious expression mixed with the lack of his forehead being covered added up to being a very pleasing sight. It was a bit odd to not see him especially cheerful, however. He seemed almost somber as he made his way from Jin without saying a word or even flirting and back up the stairs. The other person behind Jin – Yoongi, as he had also guessed – only smirked before leaving as well.

Jin's eyes widened as he realized where he was. He was back in the cursed basement he had first been put in. there was nothing but a dim yellowy light shining down on him and he could still see the table covered with a cloth. He knew what was under there and he shuddered from the memory of it all. It was cold and this place held nothing but nightmares for Jin. He liked the other basement better, where there was a couch and a bit more of a homey feel. It didn't seem as bad being kidnapped when he had a bit of comfort. And now he was back to the dungeon like basement, all on his own, shivering cold and miserable.

Taehyung was long gone but just before Yoongi closed the door on Jin, he turned and called out, "See you in a little while, pretty boy." Before closing the door behind him. Jin heard the familiar sound of a faint click indicating he had been locked in. He sighed. It felt like it was going to be another long night. He especially groaned when the light was turned off from outside the door. Now he was left in the cold darkness with nothing but bad ideas of disease ridden rats and hidden night terrors to fill his thoughts.

Hours passed. Jin was left alone. There was no noise of footstep above him – no indication whatsoever that he hadn't just been left by himself. If he could just get his hands and legs free and he truly was by himself, he could be home free. But as he struggled it did little good. Taehyung and Yoongi had done their jobs well.

Jin had no clue what time it was when he finally heard noise. It was a faint creaking of the floorboards above him from the upstairs. Jin tried to let his eyes focus in the dark but he could barely see a foot in front of himself, much less through the pitch black darkness and to the door. The step had gotten louder before disappearing entirely, leaving Jin to his own thoughts in the inky blackness as he tried to ease his aching limbs. Sleep would be something genuinely precious to him at the moment but the lack of movement and the way the rope dug into his limbs made any kind of rest virtually impossible.

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