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Jin was shocked out of his mind when Jungkook had bounded into his room the following day after the shooting incident. He hadn't seen a soul since that afternoon and his meals were left for him while he slept. And now... here was Jungkook. There was a large grin plastered on Jungkook's face and he was carrying some kind of laptop. Jin thought he saw the brand name Dell but Jungkook was already sitting on the bed before Jin could even ask or say anything.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Jungkook grinned, his two front teeth sticking out and reminding Jin of a bunny. He almost smiled at the thought. Almost...

But what the hell? A movie? He couldn't even answer. He was stuck in his spot beside the window, where he had been looking out into the woods below. He didn't understand how this was a punishment. He had been expected Jimin to come in with a whip or Yoongi with his knives and drugs. Instead, he had gotten an energetic maknae wanting to watch a movie.

"I... I don't understand..." was all Jin could get out of his mouth as he watched Jungkook sitting cross-legged on the bed, patting the spot next to him to beckon Jin forward as his other hand shoved a DVD in the laptop's disc drive.

"I want to watch a movie with you." Jungkook said it slowly, as if he was explaining the simple concept to someone who was stupid.

And Jin felt stupid. How the hell was this a punishment? Was this a joke or some kind of trick? But he still walked over to the younger man, sitting down gingerly beside him as a movie started playing on the screen. It ended up being one of Jin's favorites: the Lion King. He tried not to cry when Mufasa died, far too into the film for his own good and letting Jungkook pull him close and wipe his tears away softly with his large thumb. He was basically being cradled in Jungkook's hold, now. Bodies pressed up against each other side to side with Jin's head leaning on Jungkook's shoulder.

It felt so wrong. Like they almost belonged like this. Like this was the normal everyday routine, watching a movie together while Jungkook hugged him and comforted him. It was enough to make Jin comfortable to hum along with the songs in the movie, not even noticing how Jungkook hung onto every note coming from his mouth. Jin had fallen asleep at the end of the movie, barely awake enough to feel Jungkook tuck him in and peck him lightly on the lips before turning the lights off and letting him doze off for the night.

Oddly enough, that's how the rest of the week played out as well. Yoongi was next in line the next day, watching Jin as he usually did, keeping quiet and letting Jin simply look out of that one goddamn window. Normally all Yoongi would do was threaten Jin or only watch him but this time was different. The man literally pulled Jin out of this thoughts by asking him a question Jin would have never thought would come from Min Yoongi,

"Do you want a kiss?" it was spoken in almost a whisper, so quiet Jin almost didn't catch it. But he whipped around at the words, ready to be assaulted by the man like he had been beforehand but he was pleasantly surprised. Yoongi had stood from his spot on Jin's bed to hand him a few Hershey's kisses. He had been quick to leave after that, a red blush blooming madly on his cheeks and creeping up the tips of his ears. Jin didn't eat them, afraid of what could be in them. And so he just tucked them away in his pockets in case he might need or want them later. It wasn't too long before he decided to actually try one and he was quite surprised to find out they were real, authentic chocolate kisses. He had scarfed the rest down after that, enjoying the way the milk chocolate melted on his tongue and the taste hung in his mouth for a while.

Hoseok was the next to come in. Jin was happy to see him, as well. Hoseok made everything ok and in Jin's current situation, he was already better than normal. It wasn't exactly happiness but something along the lines of being borderline content. He didn't know why the others were being kinder than they had been earlier. But he was thankful and he truly wanted to show Hoseok that but he wasn't sure how. Hoseok had said that a simple, verbal thank you was enough but Jin still saw the way he looked at him. He was just kinder than the others. He had more control and a grasp on right and wrong.

Jin was no fool, though and he wanted Hoseok to feel good, too. He wanted to feel Hoseok against himself, their chests pressed together. He wanted Hoseok to take control of him and make him bow down and force him into a willing submission. It was a fantasy gone awry and Jin knew he shouldn't even be thinking such things but as his eyes landed on a familiar mop of brown hair and black mask, he couldn't help it.

"How are you today?" Hoseok stood by Jin. He was still looking out that window and Hoseok yearned to give him the freedom to simply walk outside. He knew Jin must covet that feeling again. The feeling of having some kind of freedom and the cool wind whisking and lapping at his pale skin. He could use some sun as well. But Namjoon would never allow Hoseok to take Jin outside. Not yet. He still had a few days to spend with them before Hoseok could let him go.

"Fine," the answer was curt, to the point and probably a lie. But Hoseok didn't push it. He had been in Jin's shoes. He had walked the same path. The only difference was Hoseok was determined to make Jin's path different than his own. He would have a happy ending with a husband or wife and maybe children with a big house and white picket fence.

There was a different light in Jin's eyes today as he looked at Hoseok and the gangster didn't miss it. It was almost familiar and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not. It was something bright but not in a good way. But Jin said nothing. He didn't move a muscle in any way, shape, form or fashion. His eyes were locked onto Hoseok's flicking from the chocolate brown orbs to the man's mask ever few seconds.

"Would you like some company today?" Hoseok asked. He wasn't sure what else to say or do. He had come in to check up on Jin but he wasn't sure the man was doing too well. He was calm, almost too calm.

Jin nodded before stepping into Hoseok's space, "I would like something more than just simple company, though..."

Jin didn't really understand what he was doing. He was just giving into his urges. It was odd how his mentality had flipped so violently. It wasn't right and Jin knew what he was asking and implying was nothing else than absolutely wrong, unethical and immoral. But he was drawn to Hoseok. He was beginning to be drawn to all of them. He was drawn to the feeling of Jungkook's hands on his waist when he went to go get a shower and had to be searched. He was drawn to the intense, wordless stare Jimin gave him, demanding to be addressed as Jin's master. He was drawn to the power and charm that Namjoon practically glowed with. He was drawn to the shy way Yoongi had given him those damn pieces of chocolate. He was drawn to the more serious, innocent Taehyung who liked slow, sweet kisses.

And it was wrong. It was all so very wrong.

But it's what Jin wanted. And he didn't know what to do with himself and he realized that throughout his stay with the gang. He wasn't sure if there was something wrong with him or not. He just knew what he wanted.

"I..." Hoseok didn't want to hurt Jin but he couldn't stay, not with Jin looking at him like that. He would snap and give in and that wouldn't benefit either of them in the long run, "I can't stay. I'll send Tae in to be with you."

He spend the time to watch Jin's reaction or hear his protests. He turned before he could see the somewhat shattered look on the man's face, like a kicked puppy wanting to be loved. He couldn't take it. He had been that so many years ago and he couldn't stand to see Jin there. He had to remind himself over and over again that Jin's fate was going to be different. It wouldn't be filled with punishments and expectations and abuse. They were letting Jin go home. In just a few days Hoseok wouldn't be tempted and Jin could be happy again with his family.


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Here's your double update! Pretty Boy will be finished by next week. There's only 3 more chapters now. I thought you all could use some fluff as well. I can do another double update on Tuesday and so the book will be finished on Thursday  or I can do regular updates and draw it out to be finished by Saturday. What do you guys think? Ae you excited for the end? Three chapters isn't much at all.

Also, holy hekkk you guys have gotten Pretty Boy to 19.5K and almost to 20K and i'm so grateful thank you all so freaking much!!! I love you all and thank you for reading this!

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