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Jin sat in shock for a few seconds. His knuckles were white with the way his fingers had tightened around the arms of his chair. He tried not to panic – panic was never good but there was something all too terrible about his current situation that made him panic even more. RM stayed still crouched in front of him and looking expectant and nibbling on his bottom lip.

Jin spluttered, "K-k-kiss you?!" All Jin wanted to do was leap up from his chair and run to the door but he knew Jungkook and Hoseok were outside that door. He'd never make it even if he tried. So he stayed still, rigid even, as he stared at the gangster in front of him with wide and fright filled eyes.

RM shrugged, "You can either kiss me or I'll have to let Suga do as he pleases with you."

Jin twitched in his chair. He didn't want to kiss RM. Gangsters were evil, slimy creatures and there was no way in hell this man could be anything different. It didn't matter that Jin was bisexual and not opposed to male on male interactions and that RM was drop dead gorgeous – Jin didn't want to kiss him. Besides, did that mean RM was gay? Weren't gangsters supposed to be hardcore straight and kidnap and abuse pretty women?

But still... another playdate with Suga...? Jin would rather kiss a hundred gangsters than let that one, short ball of anger and evil near him again.

Jin shakily nodded, trying to keep his tears at bay once again. RM's eyebrows rose. He honestly hadn't expected Jin to give in so easily and agree to something as outlandish as a kiss. He wasn't complaining, though.

RM was smiling but he shook his head, "Words, Jin babe,"

"I-I'll ki-kiss you..." He finally breathe out while trying not to hiccup with tears.

RM chuckled, standing and then bracing his hands on the arms of Jin's chair and leaning in. Jin tried to lean back but he couldn't do so very well given how high the back of his chair way. Just before RM could kiss him he whisper-shouted, "Wait!"

RM moved back, confusion on his face, "What?"

Jin twitched again, trying to look anywhere but RM and failing miserably, "C-can I just have a second?"

"For what?" Rm stood to his full height, taking his hands off of Jin's chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

Jin gulped, "T-to just... mentally pre-prepare?" feeling uncomfortable he tried to cover himself a bit with his arms.

RM raised his brows, "Mentally prepare for what? It's a kiss!" he paused, "Have you never been kissed before?"

Jin scowled, "I've been kissed before!" it was true, he had, but just by some really bad people either trying to take advantage or drunk bums in the back of clubs. He had never really been able to kiss someone for pure enjoyment, it had always seemed a bit forced. But RM didn't need to know that.

"Then what's the problem?" RM argued.

"Well," Jin spluttered, nothing but embarrassment for his situation blossoming a nice red on his cheeks, "I'm about to kiss you..."

RM leaned forward again, bracing his hands like he had beforehand expect he gently moved one of them to Jin's cheek and moved his thumb over Jin's very obvious blush. He smiled gently, "Let me take care of you, ok, babe?"

Jin was going to answer but he didn't have time. Warm lips were pushed against his own. His eyes widened and he stayed frozen for a few seconds. RM seemed to sense his distress and tried to kiss a bit more firmly, trying to coerce Jin into closing his eyes and kissing back. Jin final gave in, letting his eyes drift shut and his lips move on their own accord.

Jin thought RM would have been a horrible kisser but in reality, RM was one of the best kissers Jin had ever kissed. He was gentle but it was clear he was leading the kiss and that he was in full control. His lips were soft against Jin's own and his hand had found its way to the nape of Jin's neck, massaging and pulling at the baby hairs there. It was everything Jin enjoyed in a kiss and honestly nothing malicious or disgusting like Jin had thought it would be. He had expected tongue and teeth, biting and a lot of repulsive, wet sounds. Instead of the horny, crazed kissing he thought he was going to receive, he was almost pleased with the gentle way RM was tilting his head into the kiss and meshing their lips together. It wasn't overly sexual and it wasn't sickening.

Nothing escaladed. RM kept the kiss simple and comfortable, his lips buzzing against Jin's before he pulled back. He made sure to grin at the man sitting in the chair and lick his lips of the rest of Jin. Something stirred in the older man's chest as he watched the gangster lick his lips slowly but he wasn't sure what. RM leaned back in and almost laughed when Jin didn't push him away or try and back away. He simply sat still, waiting, his eyes drooping as he expected their kiss to continue.

It seemed too good to be true and so RM did lean in again, stealing a few pecks from Jin's lips and humming slightly when Jin tilted his head to get a better angle. RM held his still with a hand on his cheek, thumbing over his ear every few seconds. It was a bit distracting but not necessarily unwelcome. RM finally pulled back for the last time, sitting on the edge of his desk in front of Jin. It left the man some space but not as much as he had once had.

RM cracked a smile, his dimples popping out cutely, "See? I'm not all bad."

Jin gulped and nodded, not trusting his voice. He couldn't believe he had actually enjoyed that kiss. This man had taken him from his home, family and loved ones and Jin had just kissed him. What if he was getting that kidnapping syndrome? What was it called...? Stockholm Syndrome?

What if Jin was developing that?

Jin mentally shook his head. No, it was too early. He'd been there for one night. He had been held captive, threatened, hurt and almost cut into tiny pieces by some insane short man with a bad temper.

Then why had he enjoyed the kiss?

RM didn't move, he just kept his eyes on Jin, "I have one more question, babe,"

Jin shuddered at the nickname but stayed silent, waiting.

"Who did you call in the bathroom? Just so we can be totally clear."

Jin's hands shook as h thought about lying. He set them gently in his lap to try and force them to stop moving, "M-my parents." He looked RM in the eye, praying the man would take the lie. He didn't know if he'd be in more trouble if the gang leader found he actually had called the police even though he already assumed Jin had.

"Why would you introduce yourself to you parents, Jin?" RM lifted a brow. He wasn't stupid and he didn't tolerate lying very well.

Jin mentally cursed. Jungkook had told RM what he'd heard. Jin hadn't really been paying attention. He had barely heard the short conversation over the sound of his blood rushing in his ears.

"I...I was calling for help..." Jin squeaked out.

RM nodded, "That's better." He stepped forward, gripping Jin's chin and pulling their faces close together, "Don't lie to me and I won't hurt you or let Suga hurt you. Ok?"

Jin nodded. At least the gang leader's grip hadn't hurt terribly much unlike last time in the basement. RM let him go and stepped back. He pulled a phone from his pocket, dialing a number and waited as it rang in his ear. His eyes never left Jin's face. Jin found it very uncomfortable to be stared down by a gang member and he squirmed under RM's cool gaze. His eyes flicked back up when RM spoke into his phone, "Kookie, V, come get pretty boy and take him back to his room."


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