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They were in an odd kind of stalemate – Jin unwilling to shoot and Namjoon unable to move forward or back out the door for fear of being shot. And so they stayed as they were, simply staring at each other. Namjoon calm and collected and Jin breaking and sniffling. He had had enough and he wasn't going to just give Namjoon what he wanted. For the first time, the playing field was evened to where Jin had a fair, fighting chance.

"Put the gun down." Namjoon's words were clear and strong, screaming dominance and authority, "Put it down now and you won't get hurt."

Jin didn't actually know how to use a gun. Sure, he had heard all the terms in video games: automatic, semi-automatic, point and shoot, squeeze the trigger don't pull it. But none of that actually meant anything to him in the real world setting as he stood his ground with a silver pistol in his hands aiming it at another human being. There was no fear in Namjoon's eyes, either. Only wariness. As if he knew he was safe from death but not from harm.

Jin swallowed a lump in his throat, "No..." tears pricked at his eyes. He didn't have a damn clue what the hell he was doing. Why was he aiming a deadly weapon at someone? Could he actually shoot Namjoon? Could he actually pull that trigger and end this man's life? And why couldn't he? This man singled him out to be kidnapped. This man gave him a date rape drug. This man let his little friends walk all over him. This man reveled in Jin's tears. Why couldn't Jin shoot him?

"Do you want me to hurt you? Because I will, Jin. I swear I will make you regret disobeying me. Do you like walking? Because I'll break both of your legs..." Namjoon's words were hollow but Jin didn't know that. Namjoon had no real wish to harm this man. There were many things he'd do to Jin but actually breaking his legs was going a bit far.

Jin's grip tightened on the pistol. Obviously that was the wrong thing to say, "Don't touch me. Don't even touch me again!" Jin's tears were slowly dripping down his face now. So this was his breakdown? This was how he would snap?

Suddenly, Namjoon became a bit more concerned. If he was breaking down and had a gun there was no knowing what he would do. He took a step forward but stopped as Jin's hands began to shake and he screeched out, "Don't come any closer!" he was shaking and fully sobbing at this point, all of his resistance and strength finally feeling completely crushed and mangled. There was nothing left.

Namjoon took a deep breath, extending his hand and letting an eyebrow perk up, "Give me the gun now."

Jin sniffed, "No... you said you'd break my legs..."

Namjoon huffed, his hand still unwavering as his arm was outstretched, "I was lying to get you to give me the damn gun. Just do as I say, Jin. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise the others won't, either." He wasn't being entirely sincere. There were repercussions for every action taken by every person. Jin would have to face his repercussions. But he was being sincere when he said that he wouldn't hurt Jin. But at best, he could only give the man minimal protection from the others. They still had minds of their own and while they wouldn't do too much damage, if they got it into their system that they wanted Jin to feel some kind of pain for his actions, Namjoon wasn't around all the time to stop them. He had a crime syndicate to run, he couldn't be at the beck and call of a hostage.

Jin hesitated. Namjoon had never lied up to this point. Was it safe to assume he could trust this man?

Of course not. This man had killed a bank teller in cold blood for the fun of the operation. Why would a man who would kill have enough morals not to lie? He wouldn't. Hoseok had said it himself, Namjoon wasn't a good person – none of them were.

"I'm getting tired of this game, Jin." The hand was still outstretched. It was as if Namjoon had no fear of a sobbing man clinging to his pistol and aiming it at his head.

Jin's jaw clenched and his eyes hardened, "I'm not some stupid street kid you can order around, you bastard! I'm a man, too! Where the hell do you get off treating me like I'm less?" he wiped his nose with his free hand, struggling to not sniff as he practically shouted at the gangster, "Why aren't you afraid? I could kill you and you're just standing there asking for this gun like I'm a stupid child!" Jin broke down again, quickly and angrily rubbing the tears from the side of his face so his vision wouldn't be blurred too badly.

Now Namjoon was actually starting to get annoyed. He wasn't a particularly patient man but he supposed he had as much patience as the next guy. This, however, was starting to wear on him. He didn't like tears. He had never liked crying, from himself or his gang members. He'd rather people be content, happy or just shut up and put up. And Namjoon sure as hell didn't like someone else pointing a gun at him. It had been a long time since something like that had even happened.

"If you don't give it to me in five seconds, I'm going to take it from you." Namjoon's voice remained calm but he moved his hand back a little. He figured he would have to forcefully remove the pistol from Jin's hands and then perhaps forcefully restrain him as well.

"I swear to god, if you take another step closer to me I will shoot you." Jin warned. He was surprised at Namjoon's reactions. The man had a history of irrational anger for as long as Jin had known him. Obviously it hadn't been that long but still, the fact that he was so determined and calm was starting to slowly eat away at Jin little by little. What if he was serious? What if he wasn't screwing around?

"Five," his voice was monotonous, his face basically blank.

Jin tightened his grip again. He'd be damned if he was just going to give up and give in. It was time to be strong and stand his ground.

"Four," Namjoon dropped his hand.

Jin sniffed again, rubbing his nose and trying to keep his aim steady. He couldn't be shaking so badly he'd miss the gangster.

"Three," Now Namjoon was pissed. Jin hadn't really ever held out when threatened like this and his lack of subordination was getting aggravating.

"I hope you rot in hell," Jin snarled back, hands shaking along with the rest of his body.

"Two," Namjoon moved his feet, trying to take a half step closer to Jin but paused when Jin cocked the gun. So he did know how to do the basics... that was going to make things a bit more difficult.

"Fuck you!" Jin hissed. One of them was going to die. Jin had already decided that in his mind. He knew he was dead when Namjoon hit one and he wouldn't cooperate. And honestly, he couldn't find it in himself to care.

Namjoon's face darkened,



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a shorter chapter than usual (I'msorry) but holy moley thank you so much for the follows I didn't think I would even get the 8more and you guys put me up to 130 i'm awed you're all gorgeous and fabulous thank you so much lovelies

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