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The bank was relatively busy. Jin wasn't surprised – it was the weekend after all. The bank was very modern. It had a sleeker design focusing on darker or neutral colors as the color theme. The floor was a beige tile and the counter was polished wood on the front and granite with metal highlights on top. Otherwise, the bank space was very open. There was a small table with a cup full of pens for people to sign check and things in the far end of the room. It was rather long, spanning the entire wall. Otherwise the room was mostly open and empty, save for a few offices to the side.

Jin had been too busy during the weekdays to go take care of depositing a check. It was also a beautiful day. Spring was upon them, trees and flowers blooming and blossoming vibrant, cheery colors. Jin loved spring and it was certainly a perfect spring day.

Feeling energized with the fantastic weather motivated Jin to get out and run some errands he normally would have put off indefinitely or until he just had to do them. However, he found himself next in line in the bank. He slipped his check across the counter to the only teller present. The man in front of him smiled and Jin found himself smiling back and reading his name tag that said, Jackson.

"What can I do for you today, sir?" the man asked, his dark hair dipping down into his eyes and he looked over the check Jin had slipped over the counter.

"I would like to deposit this into my account," Jin hummed, giving the man his account number.

There was a dinging as the doors to the bank opened. Jin turned around to see several men sprinting into the bank. His brow furrowed as he saw what an oddity the men were. Their faces were covered by different kinds of masks and they were all wearing black and grey garb – nothing name brand or distinguishable. One thing that was distinguishable, however, was that they all had guns.

Jin heard several people screaming around him – mostly women but he wouldn't have been surprised if a man had screamed as well. The tallest man in the group surged forward, shooting the man behind the counter and screaming for everyone in the bank to get down on the floor. The other men ran behind the counter, chucking the shot man over the counter and onto the floor near Jin. Jin scampered back, falling onto his ass before continuing backwards, trying to get away from what looked like a very dead body of the man about to help him. He heard himself scream before he realized it. It was a bad move, attracting the attention of one of the masked men who immediately yelled at him to shut up.

"This is a robbery," one of the men addressed the people on the floor, he seemed to be the shortest and was holding a pistol rather loosely in his right hand, "If you hadn't already figured that out, you have shit for brains and need to die. So do us a favor, keep calm and stay put and we'll leave you all be. If one of you tries to make a move or do something stupid, we're going to shoot you and everyone else in this place." He cleared his throat, "Now, all of you get together in a tight bunch. I don't want you spread out."

People started shifting around Jin and Jin found himself doing the same before he was shoulder to shoulder with complete strangers. He hugged his legs to himself, closing his eyes and praying for the men to leave quickly or the police to come.

Sirens were heard in the distance not much longer. The robbers from behind the counter came back with bag loaded with something – Jin figured money.

"Shit, it's the cops...." One of the shorter ones yelled. He ran to the window to confirm his statement and cursed again when he realized they were headed for the bank.

"That man we shot behind the counter must have hit some kind of alarm. Damn it..." another cursed.

"We need a hostage," the tallest one yelled back. Jin watched his eyes sweep through the crowd of frightened people, landing on him of all people.

"Take the pretty boy," one of them muttered, pointing towards Jin.

Jin gulped. He tried scrambling backwards as two of the masked men came over to him but he was swept onto his feet by strong arms. His arms were basically strapped to his sides by the arms of the man who was holding him – Jin could feel his muscles bulging through his shirt.

One of the masked men rolled his eyes, "Kookie, use your damn gun, we don't want pretty boy here getting away."

The man holding Jin shifted, the arms around his torso and arms coming up. One shifted to rest around his throat while the other disappeared behind his back. Jin struggled, clawing at the arm around his neck and choking as it tightened impossibly more. Cold metal was pressed against his left temple. Cutting his eyes to the side, he could just make out the muzzle of a pistol. Jin let out a choked sob.

He was going to die.

These men were going to use him as a hostage and then put a bullet in his skull and dump him in a river somewhere.

Jin began to struggle more. If he put up a good fight, maybe they'd let him go and take someone else. It was such a petty thought but Jin didn't care at the moment. He just wanted to live to see another day. Was that so bad? The cold metal of the pistol was jammed into his head harshly. Jin went limp at the feeling, trying to get away from the gun and only being held up by the man choking him.

The man holding him tightened his grip around Jin neck, making him gasp out for air. He leaned into Jin's face, not far from the metal of the pistol to whisper into Jin's ear, "Stop fighting me or I'll just put a bullet in your head and we'll take another hostage. You're in a room full of people, pretty boy, your life doesn't matter that much – we could pick anyone else."

Jin did as he was told and stopped fighting. Maybe, if he could keep alive for a bit longer, he could escape.

It was better than just being shot immediately and dooming some other poor soul to death as well.

Jin didn't know what was going on. He only knew he could barely hear garbled speech from the police outside as they yelled through a speaker. The tallest seemed to have gone to deal with whatever negotiating there was to be done. The others snickered, holding their bags of money and Jin close. Jin wasn't sure if there was some kind of signal sent but soon enough he was being hauled away from the other people in the bank. He could see them covering in fear, arms over their heads in protection – as if that would stop a bullet. He didn't fight or struggle, instead letting himself be taken away. He still was afraid the man holding him would do something.

Jin was half dragged to a van out in the back of the bank. The other men in masks threw their bags of money inside before clambering inside after them. They motioned to the man holding Jin and all of the sudden he was thrown forward and caught by several hands, hauling him into the back of the van as well.

Before they could close the doors to the van and get Jin fully inside, he made up his mind. Jin screamed. He was immediately pulled inside and pinned down onto the floor.

"Please, help me!" was all he could get out before a hand was shoved over his mouth a gun was pointed directly in his face.

"Shut your pretty boy mouth before we just drop your corpse here!" The shortest snarled.

Jin ignored him, whimpering and struggling against the hands that held him down.

"Yoongi, don't kill him yet, we still need his ass." One of the others shot back at the shortest.

"You think I give a fu-" the shortest was about to growl back before being cut off by the sound of the passenger side door opening and being slammed shut.

"Come on, Hoseok, let's go!" the tallest had reappeared and was frantically waving on the man in the driver seat. Before Jin could even think, they were speeding away from the bank.


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