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Namjoon was not happy to be dragged away from Jin. He left the man lying on the bed, watching as his chest heaved and his fingers flew immediately to his throat. There were still faint, lingering bruises there from when Yoongi had choked him out. Jin didn't like the feeling of yet another set of hands on his person, choking him while trying to kiss him. Namjoon watched, smirking at the action before storming out.

Jimin was left in the room to watch Jin as Jungkook and Namjoon stepped out to discuss what was happening. Jin was curious but kept his thoughts and questions to himself, seeing as Jimin looked rather feisty at the moment and Jin didn't want to deal with the man. He was staring intently at Jin, not sparing a glance to anything else in the room. It was something he did when looking after Jin, as if the man had his full, undivided attention, and it made Jin quite flustered.

He was finally able to pull himself into a sitting position, still breathing hard from what had just happened. Fruit was haphazardly strewn about the bed and in an attempt to ignore Jimin's blazing eyes on his body, Jin set about picking it up and setting it back on the tray. He missed the look Jimin gave him as he turned his back on the man. He missed the way Jimin's lips spread into a smile and the way he licked those same plump lips observing Jin's ass through his jeans as the man leaned over the bed. Jimin's hand twitched, feeling the urge to do something to the poor man but he restrained himself. Watching, waiting, listening to the small groan that left Jin's mouth as he bent down to retie his sneakers.

Most of the gang had all realized by now that Jin always kept his sneakers on unless he was sleeping in the bed. It was as if he was always ready to go somewhere or perhaps he was just too uncomfortable to leave them off when he wasn't sleeping. He also always made his bed after it had been slept in or messed up. As it was, he was already straightening and tidying the sheets and covers, pulling them taunt over the mattress and smoothing out the odd wrinkles. Most people wouldn't care but Jin always took the extra time. Jin thought it helped him maintain his sanity- he had control over something. It was small but it was something he was in charge of.

Once Jin was done tidying, in another attempt to ignore Jin, staring, he went to the window. The white curtains were drawn – he always closed them at night and opened them back whenever he had the urge to look outside – and so he reached a hand out gripping the cool material with his fingers. He was ready to rip it back when a hand clamped down on his wrist. Jin turned quickly to realize it was just Jimin. The man could move without a sound and it honestly gave Jin a heart attack almost every time he did something like that. Jimin's smile had faded and he pulled Jin back into the center of the room, careful to pull on his good arm and not the one Yoongi had stabbed. Jin wasn't surprised, Jimin did that every now and then. He obviously didn't want Jin looking out the window. Jin never questioned it, he simply dealt with being moved and tried to find something else for him to do. But today was different. Everything was different... something had to be going on with Taehyung and Namjoon and now something had to be going on outside. Jin wanted to know. He wasn't exactly curious by nature but when prompted enough and due to the sheer boredom of his current situation of being by himself with nothing to do for the last two days, Jin was ready for some answers.

"Can I not look outside?" Jin normally wouldn't even talk to Jimin. In fact, these were the first words he had even said to him since they had moved back to this hideout.

Jimin didn't reply. He let go of Jin's wrist, opting to stand guard by the door. Jin watched him. He had given Jin space. If Jin just walked back over to the window, what would happen? Did he even want to find out the consequences? A part of Jin said yes. What did he really have to lose anyway? He was a hostage, his life meant relatively little. He was just there as a plaything.

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