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Yoongi wasn't being as rough or gruff with Jin after the incident. He mostly kept his distance, only watching with interested eyes as Jin would move around. There was something like guilt swimming in those dark orbs whenever Jin would hiss in pain or groan lightly from trying to move his shoulder. But it would always be hidden quickly, drowned out by nothingness and the emotionless gaze Yoongi normally held. In a way, Jin knew he was sorry even though he would never say so. He would do little things for the hostage, like make sure Jin had enough blankets, bring him extra food and mostly let him do as he would in the room as long as he didn't make trouble.

Jin was allowed to have free reign of his current room. There was always one of the men inside his room with him or outside in the hall guarding the door. He knew it was so he couldn't get his hands on anything or escape. He was rarely allowed to open the window that had once been opened as he was talking to Hoseok. Incidentally, he hadn't seen the bright young man since their last conversation when they had discussed the gang's past. It was a bit lonely as Yoongi never spoke to him unless to threaten or warn him and Jimin only stared with cold eyes as Jin would pace around the room.

It was nice to have light again – actual sunlight streaming through the window. Jin found himself spending a lot of time just watching at the world through that window. He couldn't see too very much except a cluster of trees from his perch on the second story of the house where his room was. That was another thing... Jin had continually began to call his current arranged sleeping place "my room" and he wasn't sure if he should give any notice to that or not. It wasn't his room it was a place where he was being held.

Jin had stayed in his room for about two days now. He could actually see the rising and setting of the sun to keep up with the time of day and for even that he was greatly thankful. He had no idea how much time he had spent with the gang by now but he knew it must have been close to a week. Jin was by the window again, watching the trees wave in the breeze when his door opened. Jin didn't bother to turn, knowing it must have been Jimin or Yoongi to enter. They never really spoke to him and it was becoming very annoying. So, Jin began ignoring them as well.

"What. No hello?" A rather chipper voice called Jin from his thoughts. He tore his eyes from the window and the world outside – the free world outside – to let his eyes land on the last person he thought he'd see. Taehyung was standing there in all his overly sexual glory, dressed in a skirt that barely made it to his thighs and a black, sleeveless crop top with so many leather straps on it, Jin had no clue how the man even figured out to put it on. His feet were bare, however, and it was the only thing that gave him a sense of realism as if he wasn't a dream or some kind of sexed out character from a deranged playboy magazine or anime video game.

Jin didn't answer. He simply looked to what the man was carrying with him. Taehyung had actually brought a tray of freshly cut fruit. It wasn't a meal time but the sight of food still brought Jin's hunger back to the surface. He had been eating less than he would if he had been at home and even though Hoseok had been trying to give him increased portions, Jin was always hungry. The fruit looked absolutely divine – to Jin it looked way better than Taehyung, which was a shame in its own way – and he found himself walking towards the gangster.

"You're looking after me today?" he said it a bit playfully, reaching out to snag a chunk of apple and pop it in his mouth. He hadn't had fruit in a long time and he simply took his time, relishing the way the juice ran out of the crisp apple hunk and ran down his throat. He made a sound of contentment as he chewed and couldn't help but hear Taehyung giggle at the outrageous noise.

"Yup!" he chirped, taking a peace of pear in between his thumb and forefinger and munching on it thoughtfully, "I thought you might be hungry so I decided to bring along a snack."

Jin wasn't happy being held captive but he wasn't going to be rude when given food, either. His mother had taught him better than that. And so he bowed his head quickly while reaching for another apple chunk and tried to get out a thank you in between his mouth full of food. Taehyung seemed to understand and only giggled, finishing his piece of pear and licking his fingers afterwards.

"Do you really want to thank me?" he tilted his head, letting his lashed come down to where they almost caressed his cheeks and he could only see Jin's face through a small opening where his eyes weren't fully closed.

Jin stopped chewing for a moment, his cheeks full with munched up apple. It was a cute sight and he looked like a little chipmunk almost. Jin finished chewing quickly and swallowed.

"Yes?" he didn't mean for it to come out as a question but depending on how Taehyung wanted him to thank him, Jin wasn't sure if he'd want to back out. He already knew it had to be something sexual.

Taehyung squealed in delight, launching himself forward to sit on the edge of the bed. He reached out and pulled Jin down as well, almost sending fruit everywhere but it all somehow managed to stay on the tray. Taehyung grinned before closing his mouth and tapping his lips twice.


He waited, lips still spread into a smile as Jin let his eyes flick down from the man's eyes to his mouth. He wondered if Taehyung did this as a habit or if it was actually enjoyable. Hoseok had already said that Taehyung had sold his body so many time he couldn't even be sure.

Jin hesitated before asking, "Do you really want me to?"

Taehyung laughed as if what he was saying was the silliest thing in the world, "Of course, peach, I want to feel you." He let one hand wander up Jin's shoulder. Jin could feel the cold metal of his rings seeping through his thin shirt.

Still, Jin was unsure, "Do you like it when people kiss you?"

Taehyung drew his hand back. He hadn't been expecting that question and while he wasn't bothered by it he wasn't entirely comfortable with the answer. He ended up just shrugging, "Some." He grinned again, leaning forward and wrapping his arms around Jin's shoulders and neck, "Like you. You fuss so much, it's fun." He unwound one of his hands from where it was laced behind Jin's back to tap the hostage on the nose, "Plus those lips are just so plush, why would I let them go to waste, hm?" he licked his own lips, letting his hand wander back to connect with the other around Jin's neck, "You deserve to be kissed often, don't you think?"

Jin leaned back a little. The skin ship was still new and uncomfortable and Jin still had too many questions, "Don't you deserve to be kissed often?"

Taehyung truly was a riddle. He was so sexy, had the perfect figure, the perfect voice – he was just perfect. His features were absolute perfection. Why throw all of that around?

Taehyung batted his eyelashes, pouting at how his hostage was moving away, "No, but I need it."

And that was when it all clicked into place. Taehyung had no self-worth.

It was such a sad thought to Jin that he found himself leaning forward to place a chaste kiss on Taehyung's pouty lips. Through everything else, he and even all the other gangsters were worth something. Taehyung smiled lazily into the kiss and started leaving more small kisses against Jin's puckered lips, each one lasting a bit longer than the first. He was ready to slip his tongue in when Jin stopped him by pushing back on his shoulders until they parted.

"You do deserve to be kissed." Jin whispered against the other man's lips.

Jin would ever know but something inside Taehyung simply soared at those words.

"Then kiss me."


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I'm so proud of this story I''ve almost written all of it and it's over 50K words I'm so happy :D

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