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Jin let Jungkook drag him back down the stairs. His legs had given out from under him and he could feel nothing but a certain, creeping numbness take over his body as he was once again set down on the couch in the basement. Jungkook's face was blank, letting the older man fall onto the cushions to only look ahead dully.

Yoongi and Jimin had trailed Jungkook back down the stairs. Jin hadn't even noticed that Yoongi had run up the stairs until Jungkook was pushing past him on their way back down. Yoongi was about as happy as Jimin on the whole affair, cursing about how he hadn't run so hard in years and demanding to be given his own time with Jin. Jin felt like a toy – something to be used and then thrown away when his purpose was fulfilled because he had a pretty wrapper. To be honest, Jungkook was rather surprised Jin hadn't shut down emotionally on his first day with the gang members if not the second when he was moved. Jungkook had helped in many a hostage and kidnapping situation with Taehyung and he knew that most people shut down emotionally and mentally when they were so overwhelmed. Jin was hanging on rather nicely.

"What do you think Namjoon hyung will do?" Jungkook quietly asked his other hyungs, his eyes trained on Jin's tear streaked face.

"Hopefully beat him or leave him to one of us," Jimin sneered back, his eyes also on Jin's figure but trailing over his chest hungrily.

Jin found his breaking point. He was sick of being in his current situation. It had been two days already and he just couldn't take it any longer.

"Just let me go!" he hadn't meant to scream those words and he didn't realize he was clutching his hair tightly in his fists, knuckles turned white until the familiar feeling of his scalp burning barely made it to his brain to register. He found himself curled into a tight ball on the couch, legs drawn up to protect his stomach and arms lifted to clutch into his hair and hide part of his face.

Jimin was there in front of him immediately, hovering over him with a scowl, ready to throw out some kind of abusing word or insult. Before he could, however, Yoongi was already pushing past him and grabbing onto Jin's shoulders. Jin was thrown back to the floor. Jungkook and Jimin jumped back in surprise. They hadn't expected Yoongi to just go berserk and do anything physical. That task was usually left to Jimin and Jungkook. Though, it seemed as if Yoongi's thin patience had once again snapped.

Yoongi was stepping over him, shoving Jin onto his back and standing with legs on both sides of his stomach while he bent down to lower his face closer to the hostage on the floor.

"Don't you dare yell." It was a command, low and threatening.

But Jin didn't want to take it anymore. He would rather die than have to spend his time with these psychopaths any longer.

Jin scowled back, "Get off."

None of the gang members could believe what they had just heard. Was their pretty boy growing some kind of backbone or had he simply lost his mind?

"What did you just say to Suga?" Jimin was standing beside his hyung now, looking down at the man on the floor while Jungkook stood stock still a foot or two away, too frightened of his hyungs' anger to get involved at the present moment. He had been told not to let any of the gang touch Jin but he wasn't stupid enough to defy his elders when Namjoon wasn't around. They were brothers in a sense but that didn't mean that the others wouldn't screw Jungkook over at a later time – especially Jimin. The man was known in their gang and others to have a thirst for retaliation if he decided he had been slighted.

"I told him to get off..." Jin started to rethink his decision at that moment in time. Those words had slipped out of him. He had decided he had had enough. But was that really the best way to go about things? Uncertainty creeped back in and now Jin was filled with hollow and cold regret.

Jimin pulled Jin to his feet, hooking his hands under the older man's arms and then pulling him from under Yoongi's legs until he was standing. He was whirled around to face Yoongi before Jimin stepped back at all.

"Apologize." Yoongi demanded. He was standing stock still, face blank but there was an expectant air around him.

Jin had a choice. He could either, apologize to Yoongi and continue being the meek man getting pushed around while begging for some kind of escape, or he could keep silent and do something rather rash and hope for the best. It came down to pride versus pain. Jin was silent for a moment, weighing his options. And then he chose.

Jin couldn't even remember a time in his life when he had been violent. He wasn't a violent person and he had never gotten into a fight in all of his twenty-five years of living. And so, it came as a great shock, especially to himself, when he lashed out and punched the man he had come to know as Yoongi square in the jaw. The man recoiled, his hands flying up to cup his bruised mouth. When he looked back up, Jin could see the murder in his eyes and he shrank back in fear. He had made the wrong decision and now he understood just how bad remorse could feel.

"I'm sorry!" he whimpered out before Yoongi grabbed him by his hair and pulled him over to the center of the room. Jin cried out in pain, clawing at the hand buried in his black locks but he dared not fight too much. He already knew he was in trouble, especially when Yoongi ordered Jungkook to hold him down. Before the maknae could even make it over to him, Yoongi had brought his knee up into Jin's stomach. His world exploded into a sharp, thudding pain, all of the air being driven from his lungs as he collapsed. Jin doubled over and felt Yoongi let go of his hair as he curled in on himself, gripping his stomach tightly and trying to suck in the air that was stolen from him. Perhaps if he stayed on the floor, the other man would leave him alone...

It was a futile thought. As soon as Jin's body had come in contact with the floor and he let out a groan, rough hands were pulling him back up.

"What are you going to do to him?" Jin heard Jungkook ask.

"I'm gonna teach this bitch a lesson." Yoongi spat, pulling a switchblade out from his back pocket.

Jin thrashed in Jungkook's arms but he was held still. Jungkook had his back flush against his chest, one arm around his throat and the other around his midsection holding down one of his arms while the other one clawed at the arm restricting his airflow. He could feel the tears welling up and he felt sick at the thought of what Yoongi would do to him. He shouldn't have lashed out. He shouldn't have punched the gangster.

"But..." despite Jungkook obeying his elder and holding Jin still, there was still some doubt in his voice, "Namjoon said-"

"Do you think I care what Namjoon said?" Yoongi spat back before taking his time picking out something from his case, looking over the drug labels.

"Please! I'm sorry!" Jin cried. He could feel the hot tears pouring down his cheeks and he felt Jungkook release some of the pressure from his arms but his airflow was still restricted. He could feel his face getting red as he gasped and struggled. It was becoming harder, though. His vision was blurring but he wasn't sure if it was with tears or lack of oxygen. He had lost track of Jimin. He seemed to have disappeared for the moment.

"You're not yet," Yoongi shook his head, "But you will be."


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