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Jin was left all alone. Namjoon had been sure to get all the other members out of the basement, despite multiple complaints and small arguments. Jin had watched them leave with half hooded eyes and small whines slipping from his tongue. He could tell they wanted to touch him. God – Jin needed them to touch him. But they left anyway, more concerned with the consequences of disobeying Namjoon than the pleasure they would receive from Jin.

Jin stayed still for a good thirty minutes, sobbing quietly about the hot pain throbbing away in his pants and wishing someone would come down and relieve him. The only real movements Jin made were trying to grind himself between his own thighs. It offered so little friction and it was all Jin could do not to just utterly and completely break down. His hips moved mostly of their own accord, thrusting into nothing as he searched for some kind of relief.

It took all Jin had in him not to just cry in relief when he saw Hoseok come bouncing down the stairs. He was such a welcome sight after his ordeal with the others he could barely contain himself. He was still in a rather bad predicament with being so aroused and also tied up. His eyes met Hoseok's and he gave a small smile to the masked man.

"Are you ok?" Hoseok was beside Jin immediately. Jin hadn't noticed until he was right up on him but the man had an extra white shirt in his hands. He must have been there to give it to Jin so he would actually have something to wear. Again, gratitude flowed through Jin and he smiled even more despite the pain as Hoseok set the article of clothing over the far right cushion on the couch. He leaned into the warm touch of Hoseok's hand as the man rubbed his unclothed shoulder gently.

Jin shook his head in answer to Hoseok's question, though. He wasn't ok. He was in pain in one of the worst ways and all he wanted was some kind of relief.

"Can you make it go away?" Jin whimpered as he tried to adjust the way he was sitting, softly scraping his legs against his problem. Hoseok lifted his brows. It was a bit odd for him to not be asking what kind of drug he had been given but he knew it was understandable.

"Don't you even care what they gave you?" Hoseok asked. He couldn't truly be surprised. He knew what effects the drugs had, he had just never seen it for himself before. He wasn't sure if he liked it either, as he saw Jin about to break down from the pressure in his pants. Something darker in Hoseok was oddly turned on by it but he needed to keep focused. He couldn't think that way.

"What did he give me?" Jin tried rutting his hips against the empty air. It was so unsatisfactory, though, and it was killing him inside.

Hoseok grunted, adjusting his mask the smallest bit to where the cloth sat properly and comfortably on his nose, "Have you heard of the date rape drug?"

Jin's eyes widened ever so slightly, "That's what they made me take?" Despite the small movement of his eyes, he didn't seem to be too panicked at the idea.

Hoseok nodded, narrowing his own eyes at the flushed man, "Shouldn't you be freaking out?"

Jin made a small noise – something that was a cross between a whine and a curse, "I don't care. I just want this pain to go away," his gaze shifted downwards to his obvious bulge. Hoseok's shifted with him and though Jin couldn't tell, under his mask he was blushing madly. Hoseok averted his gaze and looked back towards Jin's face.

Hoseok tried changing the course of their conversation. The last thing he needed saw something so tempting that would land him in terrible trouble with Namjoon, "Maybe some water will help? Are you thirsty?"

Jin vehemently shook his head. He paused for a moment, looking to the floor before looking Hoseok in the eyes again, "Could... could you maybe just help me out?"

Hoseok's brow furrowed. He thought he knew what Jin was asking but he had to be sure, "What do you mean?" he clasped his hands together as though it might stop them from wandering.

Jin jerked his head to the side, obviously embarrassed but uncaring as the drug was still effecting him, "Touch me..." he whispered.

Hoseok was immediately shaking his head. It was such an amazing offer and under any other circumstances he would have given in and just touched the man, "Namjoon said no one was allowed to touch you in any way. I'm sorry." And Hoseok truly was sorry. He wished he could touch Jin all the time, in more ways than he was simply asking for but that wouldn't be right and even though Hoseok was a gangster he still had a certain moral code.

Jin broke a little at the denial and sniffed, "Please?"

Hoseok needed to leave before he, too, broke down and just gave in, "Maybe water would be best. And food. I can get you some hot food. Food makes everyone feel better, right?" After Jin's excitement from his last meal, Hoseok figured food really would do the trick. He turned his back, ready to go up the steps to get Jin some water. Perhaps drinking some liquids would help flush the drug from his system faster. He didn't get to the first step before there was a desperate mewl coming from Jin, calling for him to come back.

"J-Hope – Hoseok – please... please, help me! You're the only one who will help me..." Jin hiccupped through his sobs, trying to move to ease the pain.

"Jin, I can't." Hoseok sighed, turning back around and gazing into the watery eyes of their hostage. He sighed before walking back and taking a seat beside the man. He knew Jin was in agony. He had tried to talk Namjoon into helping him out but Namjoon wanted his pain to last as long as it took the drug to run through his system. And he thought Suga was sadistic...

"Please, please, please, please..." Jin's voice was getting louder and more desperate with each please that rushed from his lips.

"Jin, you're only saying this because of the drug. You don't want me to actually touch you." Hoseok watched as Jin squeezed his thighs together, trying to gain some kind of friction.

"No!" Jin practically wailed, "I want you to touch me... I want you to touch me so bad, please Hoseok, please!"

It was a slippery slope to tread on. Hoseok wanted nothing more than to satisfy his own primal urges on the man. Jin was basically begging him to do whatever it was he wanted to do to him. If it had been anyone else, Taehyung, Jimin, even Yoongi... Hoseok wouldn't have needed to have been asked twice. He would have simply fulfilled his own selfish desires. However, Jin was new to this life. He didn't need his innocence taken away by a filthy drug.

Hoseok sighed, smoothing down Jin's hair. It was littered with a bit of dust from being on the floor so much and Hoseok absentmindedly decided it was time for Jin to take a bath, "The drugs they gave you are making you talk this way. Just calm down and it will pass. I promise. I'll help you all I can but I can't do any more-"

"Hoseok, please! Just touch me, I'm begging you. Please, touch me. I'll do whatever you want I just want you to touch me and make it go away!" Tears were beginning to slip down his cheek once more. Hoseok felt his resolve break. It was just too cruel. Namjoon had gone too far. But if Hoseok was caught helping Jin, he would be in his own trouble and probably banned from helping or even seeing the man any more.

Hoseok gripped Jin's chin rather harshly, bringing the man's face to focus on his own, "If you even make a sound, I'll stop. Do you understand me?"


Someone reminded me that it was indeed Tuesday and they wanted me to update today.

So here it is!

Please comment and vote!

Also, Pretty Boy has hit 420 votes

hehehehehehee blaze it

*KiNDa Important* - Idk if I"ll update Thursday or not. I'm having a really rough time rn guys. I'll do my best but it might be Saturday before I do. I'm sorry I'm letting all of you down but I need a bit of a break to just sleep and recover. I'm so sorry :( :(

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