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Namjoon pounced.

Jin squeezed his eyes shut, pulling the trigger. He felt the gun jerk in his hand, flying to the right and away. A loud bang resounded through the room, deafening the Jin but he didn't care. Jin's fingers were tingling and burning with the force of the pistol and the kickback that had ensued. His hands flew to his ears to cover them from the loud noise from the shot and the next thing he knew, he was being thrown on the ground. All the air escaped his lungs when he hit the wood floor below him, hands coming up to scrabble at the man on top of him.

The bullet had barely missed Namjoon's head but it was far enough off that he was completely unscathed and so the gang leader had lurched forward, taking Jin to the ground in his anger. How dare this man even try to shoot him? Namjoon felt very little pity as Jin squirmed and fought underneath him, tears falling uncontrollably as he lashed out with all his strength. Jin wasn't as strong as Namjoon, though and the taller man already had the advantage. He was on top of Jin, already one hand gripped tightly in his hold, the other one still flailing madly trying to strike Namjoon in the face.

Once Namjoon had both of Jin's hands under control and pinned above his head, Jin gave up. Maybe Namjoon would just kill him and put them all out of their misery. Namjoon and his gang wouldn't have to deal with them and Jin wouldn't have to feel the pain of utter dread and he certainly wouldn't have to question himself. Namjoon was breathing heavily above Jin, the man straddling him much like beforehand. And Jin hated how the weight felt almost comfortable. He hated how good Namjoon looked, breathing ragged and sweaty. He hated how he was feeling something besides what he should be feeling. But above all, Jin was slowly coming to hate himself.

The door burst open, Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin all armed and aiming around the room, pistols up and loaded. When they saw Namjoon and Jin sprawled on the floor they lowered their weapons, nothing but questions burning in their gazes. Namjoon was quickly to get off of Jin at that point, letting the older man simply lay on the floor, tired and cried out and not wanting to play this deranged game anymore.

Namjoon brushed his clothes off answering the others' unasked questions, "He got his hands on my pistol. Luckily for me he can't aim for shit," the man actually chuckled.

Jin wanted to explode. He had tried to shoot Namjoon – to kill this man – and all he could do was laugh. He sniffed, watching as Jimin went to Namjoon's fallen pistol, picking it up and slipping it into his waistband, making sure the safety was on. Jimin was on top of Jin after, hauling him to his feet and pushing him over to the bed. Jin stumbled before regaining his footing. He sat down without Jimin even having to tell him to, keeping himself on the very edge of the bed. He was waiting for something to happen. He wanted it to either be freedom or death. He had too many questions for himself at this point. He couldn't understand his own thought process and why he liked certain things or if he had always liked those things but his kinks had just now been discovered. It hurt – all of it – the thoughts, the punishments, the glares, the yelling and cursing and threats. Jin wanted it to end.

Namjoon had returned, pacing back in front of Jin. Jin kept his puffy, red rimmed eyes on the man. Namjoon didn't seem too angry, just slightly put off as if he found the situation more comical than anything. Jin couldn't even find it within himself to be mad about such a reaction. He was a joke. He could never have killed Namjoon and unfortunately, they both knew that.

"What the hell was that, hm?" There was no anger in Namjoon's tone – only curiosity and a strict demand for an answer.

Jin didn't have the fight left in him to answer with something sassy, "I wanted out."

Namjoon didn't show it but Jin's answer had, indeed, surprised him. It was honest and open however monotone and emotionless. He expected more snark, more sass, something that would put him off even more to do something drastic. There was nothing. Jin looked hollow and empty as he sat patiently at the end of the bed. He wasn't moving at all save a small twitch in his fingers, dark brown eyes focused on Namjoon's. The only word that came to Namjoon's mind was broken.

But had they actually broken Jin?

"You don't get out, pretty boy." Namjoon cocked his head, trying to draw some kind of emotion from the hostage. Jin didn't waver. He didn't move or reply. He simply took Namjoon's words. There were no tears – perhaps he had no more to cry. He seemed like the crying sort and Namjoon had no doubt that the man was probably dehydrated from all his sobbing.

Jin couldn't have his out. Not death or freedom. Simply confinement. He knew what was happening. His mind had unconsciously made a decision: adapt. The only way to adapt was to play by the rules.

A few years ago Jin had taken a human phycology class. They had briefly gone over the mentality of kidnapping victims. Most of the reactions were the same. Once the fight had drained out of them, they adapted. Jin wasn't a stupid man. He knew what was happening. And if he could, he might be able to lull the others into a false sense of security and escape. He might even get Hoseok to help him. He had reached a certain breaking point, yes. But he wasn't going to completely give up. He couldn't give in knowing he might be able to get free. As for now, it felt like his mind had shut down.

Namjoon wasn't a stupid man, either. He knew what came along with sudden compliance. One of two things. Either Jin had finally broken or he was playing a trick on them. They had kidnapped people too many time to be played by the same trick. Only time would tell if Jin was truly done fighting or if he was lying. Namjoon had a sinking suspicion he wasn't lying, though. The man looked somewhat dead, eyes glassed over. Namjoon had preferred Jin with life in him, fighting and talking back. The back-talkers were always so much more fun. But he would admit, they had gone a bit far with Jin. Jin was gorgeous, of course they would give into their desires. What were a few kisses anyway?

For now, Namjoon decided his punishment would wait. He needed Hoseok. The man was far better at reading people than he was, especially people like Jin. And so Namjoon simply left. He didn't say another word. Not to Jin or the others who were left dumbfounded in his wake as he simply walked out of the room. Of course the others immediately started questioning their leader's odd behavior in hushed tones, clumped together so Jin wouldn't be able to overhear too much.

"Jin?" Jungkook tried, light poking the man's shoulder. Jin barely turned his head, waiting for Jungkook to continue.

But Jungkook didn't continue. He threw a look to his hyungs in question. He didn't know what to do and by the clueless look from Jimin and the blank look from Yoongi, they weren't exactly sure what to do either. Jimin walked forward, making sure his gun was out of Jin's reach before poking his shoulder much in the same fashion Jungkook had.

"Answer Kookie,"he muttered. It was barely a command and more like a request.

"Yes, Jungkook?" Jin didn't meet their eyes. He kept his eyes angled at his feet.

"Are you ok?" Jungkook mentally punched himself for asking that question. No, Jin was not ok. Jin was hurt and frightened and confused. He wanted to go home and he probably hated all six of their gang's core group and if he could, he would kill all of them for kidnapping him. Jungkook should know better than to ask if he was ok. He immediately cringed at himself as the words came out of his mouth and he heard Yoongi behind him scoffing.

But Jin didn't answer with anything snarky. It worried Jungkook and Jimin even more when Jin only nodded, "I'm fine," a pause, "I'm sorry for what I did. Please don't hurt me too bad with the punishment." His eyes didn't even waiver from his sneakers.

It was then and there that Jimin and Jungkook decided that something was terribly wrong and they needed to try and fix it.


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