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Jin was shook into consciousness. He couldn't tell how long he had been asleep – there were no clocks and no windows in the basement, only the dull yellow light that continually shined down there. Jimin was standing over him, his lips pressed into a thin line. Jin sat up immediately, trying to scurry away but Jimin had a firm hold on his shirt. Jin was pulled up and given no time to even wipe the sleep away from his eyes before he heard yelling and orders being given through the open door to the basement steps. He gulped as Jimin shifted his grip to where one hand was fisted into the back of the white t shirt and the other was gingerly hold Jin near his new bandages.

Stomping was heard before Jungkook came rushing down the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"RM says it's green. Go ahead." He was slightly breathless and his usual hairstyle of his bangs dipping down into his eyes was pushed back exposing his forehead.

"Lay down on your stomach." Jimin commanded, pushing on Jin's back and shoulders to get him to bend. Jin hit the floor hard, his knees stinging with the sudden action and he hissed in pain. A bag was forced over his head as he was pushed all the way to the floor, his arms being take in front of him and pinned to the cold, itchy, flat carpet. Jin supposed it was the same bag that he had been forced to wear beforehand that was slipped over his head but this time it was tightened and secured around his neck to where he couldn't pull it off if his hands were repositioned behind his back. Jin was trying to stay calm but with the bag tightened around his face it was becoming hard to breathe.

"C-can you take the bag off my head?" he tried rolling his neck around to see if the bag had any give to where it might flop off but it was too tight. Jin made a noise in the back of his throat, something signaling his fright and distress. He felt like his air had been cut off and panic was beginning to race through him faster than he could keep up.

"No," came the immediate reply from Namjoon. Jin hadn't even seen him enter the room nor had he heard him. One second, Jin had been standing with Jungkook saying something was green and the next he was on the floor with Namjoon in his ear. Confusion was cloudy in his mind but panic was still sharp and frightening, pulling his heart into his throat and squeezing his chest in the worst way possible.

Jin started wriggling, trying to get his hands back under him but he was only held tighter, more hands coming to strap his legs and feet together with some kind of binding. He made a noise or alarm, something like a half scream as he tried to twist his body out of the gang members holds. He had managed to get one legs loose and was scrabbling to sit upright when his face was slammed into the floor. The breath was knocked out of Jin and he was a bit dazed, his legs being taken back and tied together. Still, he squirmed and uttered small curses as tears began to bead at the corners of his eyes. All he wanted was sleep and now he was being tied up like some kind of animal.

"If you keep fighting, I'm going to leave you like this." Namjoon's breath puffed through the mask and softly onto Jin's ear.

Jin was immediately shaking his head, going totally limp and just letting the men do as they would with him.

"No sir, no sir, no sir..." Jin made sure his head was the only thing that was moving, "I-I just want to breathe. Please? I... I can't breathe. Maybe can you just put a different kind of blindfold on me? Please, I just wanna breathe..." Jin's breaths had become harsher and more erratic, trying to suck in enough air for his aching lungs and failing every time he did so. Suddenly, sight didn't matter so much. All that mattered was being able to breathe properly.

"Just calm down, ok?" Jungkook was by his other side, "The mask isn't going to hurt you. Just take a deep breath..."

Jing cried out, a garbled scream of unintelligible words, "I can't breathe!" Perhaps they just didn't understand. He actually couldn't breathe. He felt his tears dripping onto the cloth pressed against his face and began his fight once more, pulling, kicking and screaming for help. Rough hands held him in place as he fought.

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