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Jungkook walked through the door, face stoic as he roughly grabbed Jin by his arm and hauled him out of the chair. Jin squeaked but tried to follow the brute as well as he could, stumbling towards the door and nearly tripping. Jungkook was the only thing holding him up and stopping him from hitting the floor. RM could be heard chucking as Jin was basically thrown out of the room. He tumbled forward, landing in another man's arms.

Jin looked up at the man who had caught him. He was a bit taller than Jin, sharp features, blazing eyes – he had to be wearing contacts because no Asian man Jin had ever met had piecing blue eyes – and he wore a smile on his lips. They weren't thin by any means but they weren't nearly as thick as RM's or even Jin's own. They held an unnaturally red, cherry color, though, and Jin found himself staring and wondering what kind of lips gloss he must use. He was dressed rather provocatively. The man was showing far too much skin for a normal dressed man. His crop top was a black, sheer material that hugged his frame but it was slightly hidden under a black blazer. Jin took in his abdominal muscles and the black, leather skinny slacks he wore and the way they hugged his legs in all the right places leaving hardly anything to his imagination.

"We barely know each other, babe. How about I buy you a drink before you just throw yourself at me?" The man was smirking, a bit of something mischievous twinkling in his eyes and it made Jin nervous. He recognized the deep voice from when Jungkook had pinned him to the bathroom floor. RM had called him V on the phone... he must have been in the arms of V.

Jin couldn't even think of pulling back before Jungkook was doing it for him. The youngest took a firm hold on his shoulders and pulled him away from V. The other gangster pouted.

"Why do you get to hold him?" he whined as he trailed Jungkook down the hall and back towards the basement. Jungkook grunted in reply, not actually answering.

Jin thought about struggling but with both V and Jungkook on him, he'd never be able to make it. That and the fact Jungkook had already cut off the blood flow to his arm and his other hand was resting on Jin's belt loop in case he needed to grab near Jin's center of gravity and take him to the floor again.

"I asked a question, Kookie." V was still complaining behind them, "I'm your hyung, answer me!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed, "I'm stronger, hyung. In case he tries to get away, I should be holding him."

"That's not fair..." V grumbled but stopped talking.

They made their way down the stairs and back to the basement. Jin was just hoping Jungkook wouldn't tie him up again. His wrists were still thudding dully with the pain from rubbing them raw and another night of that would only make things worse.

"Sit down," Jungkook ordered. Jin bit his lip but did as he was told, Jungkook seemed pleased Jin had obeyed but his voice was still stern, "Stay here and don't make trouble,"

He turned, waving for V to follow him out. The other gangster shot Jin a very provocative look, smirking and licking is lips. Jungkook tapped his shoulder and grabbed his arm. V was being dragged away and up the stairs but not before he could give Jin one last wink. Jin sighed, burying his head in his hands. He was cold and he didn't have a shirt and now there were two very dangerous gangsters flirting with him. He wasn't sure what he had gotten himself into.

V and Jungkook finally made it all the way up the stairs. Jungkook locked the door at the top of the flight of stairs behind them. V left Jungkook to fiddle with the lock as he made his way through the hallway, not waiting on the youngest and looking to find RM. He found the leader in the kitchen with Hoseok. He had expected RM to be a bit angrier than he was. His leader was sat at the table across from Hoseok, drinking coffee and grinning wildly about something.

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