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Hoseok was happy to see the effects of the drug wearing off of Jin as he ate. Of course, he was tired and his eyes kept drooping shut with each bite of food he would swallow. Hoseok had to chuckle at the enormous bite portions he would try and stuff in his mouth while listening to him explain how he liked the feeling of that much food in his throat as he swallowed. Jin didn't really look at Hoseok, keeping his eyes fixated on his food and gulping down large quantities of his allotted water. Hoseok had offered to go fill another cup for him but Jin was quite fine with the amount he had.

Once he was done eating, Hoseok took him upstairs to the bathroom. Of course, it wasn't as simple as getting up and walking there. Hoseok called Jungkook down to help him. Jin was patted down to make sure he had nothing on his person or in his pockets. Hoseok wasn't planning on searching him given the fact that he had just been fooling with Jin's jeans but Jungkook didn't know that and he had informed them that Namjoon was adamant about searches after the whole phone incident. Once they were positive that Jin was not hiding anything – especially after a pretty handsy inspection from Jungkook – Jungkook gave the go-ahead for them to go upstairs.

Hoseok knew after the first two minutes that Jungkook had put two and two together as the maknae kept giving him side glances and sly smirks. He knew Hoseok had helped Jin. As soon as Jin went into his shower, Hoseok was going to set the maknae straight. Of course he had helped Jin, but he couldn't let Jungkook think he had been doing something a bit more drastic than what he had. That and he had to make sure the boy kept his mouth shut so Namjoon wouldn't come down on him. He knew Jungkook was a crafty bastard so it might cost him a few extra dollars or some lamb skewers but he knew for the most part that Jungkook could be trusted.

Jin was quite confident in the fact that he was indeed being held in a woman's home. The bathroom was well taken care of and painted a soft lilac color. He couldn't image a man living in such a space – unless it was him of course – and appreciating the décor of the small room. There was a circular mirror hanging on the wall, letting Jin take in the paleness of his skin and his puffy eyes and lips. He didn't think it was such a good look and he was starting to grow some peach fuzz on his neck and chin from not shaving. Hoseok was behind him, though, offering him a toothbrush and a razor and watching as he brushed his teeth and began shaving. Jungkook was standing guard at the door, watching him as he cleaned his teeth and spat the foamy water and paste out as he rinsed his mouth.

Jin was left to himself again to relieve himself and begin to wash his body and take a shower. He turned the water on, letting it run and get a bit warm. While the water ran behind him, Jin took a moment to look over his bare body after completely stripping. He was a bit thinner from just two days of whatever hell he was living. There were small bruises littered all over his body and he frowned at them while rubbing over them gently with the pad of his thumb. Some of them were still a tad bit sensitive and he sucked in a harsh breath when the small contact of skin on skin was a bit too much. His eyes especially lingered over the small blooming bruise Hoseok had left on his inner thigh. Something stirred in his chest at the sight of the purple and red bruise and he wasn't sure if he was opposed to it or not.

He let his hands slip back down to his side, backing away from the mirror and into the shower. Again, it was a standup shower. There was no bathtub in the bathroom which struck Jin as a bit odd but he shook the thought off as he soaped up his rag and washed his body. It felt good to be clean and he reveled in the feeling of warm water relaxing his muscles and the strong scent of shampoo leaking into his nostrils. He washed quickly, afraid Jungkook or one of the others would come in and pull him out of the warm water if he took too long. Not wanting to cause even more trouble for himself, he rinsed the suds from his hair quickly and scrubbed down the rest of his body hurriedly. Once he was satisfied enough that he smelled only of soap and of nothing else, Jin stepped out of the shower and took a fluffy, white towel from the towel rack handing on the wall. He dried himself and put on his jeans and the shirt Hoseok had given him. It felt nice to be clean and fresh and fatigue once again creeped its way into Jin's system, begging his body to just slow down and sleep.

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