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Jimin left Jin to sob quietly to himself. At first Jimin had licked away a few stray tears that had dotted Jin's cheeks. But he had been quick to abandon the man once he had gotten what he wanted, leaving without another word after promising Jin that his master would be back for him soon. Jin had erupted into uncontrollable sobs at that point, not even able to muster up the energy to go and get his jeans or to even finish his task of looking out the window. That was what caused all of this after all. But Jin knew in the back of his mind that there wasn't even anything outside that damn window. Jimin had just wanted to control him, to break him down until he was like he was currently, pliant and obedient.

Jin, by nature, was submissive. And so, when thrown into a world where he was surrounded by dominant, alpha males, his first reaction was of course to back down. It didn't have much to do with worth or how much he thought he was above or below someone. Jin didn't usually like conflict and he liked to please. He also wasn't the strongest person out there and so when anything happened, his submissive side always showed first. Whether it be that he gave in and was the first to apologize in a fight or him back down from something or even just bowing his head in respect. Jin would usually back down and be submissive, it was how he was.

What truly sucked was that he was surrounded by men who would take advantage. He knew that in the gang setting they all had to be strong. But this was the core group, from what Hoseok had told Jin, and so why did they feel the need to be so dominant and demanding? It made Jin's head spinning just thinking about it. He wanted to go home. His pride was the one thing standing the way of him having a full mental breakdown. Whether or not he was submissive, he was also prideful. It took a lot to absolutely and completely tear down Kim Seokjin's pride and Jimin had almost done it. It had been humiliating to call someone master and it had been even more humiliating to be thrown over Jimin's knee and paddled with Jimin's bare palm. He was just glad the gang member hadn't pulled his underwear away.

And once more, what he was even more disgusted with, was that he found some semblance of enjoyment from it. Jin didn't know how or why. He didn't know if it was the spanking, degradation or simply the name master. But he had almost enjoyed it through the haze of pain and fright. It was such a sick thought and Jin almost wanted to hit himself as hard as he could. He shouldn't be enjoying this. He should hate it, he should despise it – loathe it. But he had buckled and called Jimin master. And he had enjoyed it. That alone was enough to send him into another crying fit but he tried not to indulge in the thought too much. If he did, he might actually have a full breakdown out of shame.

Finally mustering the gumption to get up, Jin slowly made his way to his jeans, picking the discarded piece of clothing off the floor and slipping them back onto his legs. It felt good to be covered again despite the rub it made on his now sore behind. Jin rubbed at the tender flesh, cursing the name Park Jimin. He slowly walked back to the bed, noticing the tray of fruit. It had sat there for a while now and Jin was hungry after crying so much. He sat down on the mattress gingerly, picking up a slice of a discarded pear and scarfing it down eagerly.

Food usually made Jin feel better and while it didn't fix his sour mood at the moment, it did lift his spirits ever so slightly. Food could never truly fix what he was going through, especially not now that he was the hostage of a rather large crime syndicate. But the sweet juices exploding on his tongue and the memories he had of his childhood involving fruit could almost take him back home in his mind. Jin smiled somberly as he plucked a grape form the small pile of fruit and popped that in his mouth as well, enjoying the sweet splash of flavor.

Jin would give anything to be home at the moment, hugging his mother and eating her home cooked meals. Or even just being in his own apartment, petting his dog and hanging out and having a few drinks with his friends. He almost wished he could ask Yoongi for some kind of drug that would just keep him out of it. How bad could it be to live in a different world of make believe while this was going on? But Jin shook that thought out of his mind, accompanied by an actual shake of his head. He wasn't a druggie and he would never ask Yoongi for any kind of drugs, either – he would never ask Yoongi for anything.

Jin took his time, eating the rest of the fruit and in the back of his mind he made a mental note to thank Taehyung again. He was still confused as hell at the younger man's actions but the snack had been a nice surprise and it had helped Jin calm himself back down. As calm as he could be, anyway...

Jin flinched as the door opened once more. He didn't even want to look in the direction of whoever had just come in but he forced himself.

Namjoon was back and he didn't look happy. His clothes had been changed. Before, he had been wearing something more...almost business casual. A long sleeve button up and comfortable slacks. But he no longer sported that look, going instead for black cargo pants, combat boots and a loosely flowing dark blue tee. His hair was swept back from his forehead and he looked anything but pleased. He held his hand out to Jin, almost as if he expected the man to come and intertwine their fingers. Jin stayed mostly still, all those feeling of being trapped, frustrated and afraid bubbling to the surface all over again.

There was a knock on the door and Jungkook stuck his head in. His eyes immediately landed on Jin sitting on the bed, eyes wide. He turned his attention away from the man, opting instead to deliver a message to his leader. Jin listened but he couldn't make out what Jungkook was saying. It was something in English, laden with a very heavy Korean accent and Jin cursed himself for not studying English harder in high school. It might have come in handy in his current situation.

Namjoon had turned to listen to Jungkook and that's when Jin saw it. There was a gun in Namjoon's back pocket, now. If Jin could just reach out and grab it, maybe he'd be home free...

It was such a risk, though. Jungkook was standing right there and Jin knew the younger man was stronger and faster than he was. And so Jin waited. He waited until the gang member's conversation was over and Jungkook's head disappeared with one last look thrown his way. Jungkook looked almost worried but the door clicked shut. Namjoon was taking his time, he hadn't turned around immediately once Jungkook had withdrawn.

If Jin made his move now he could escape. He could leave and straighten himself out and get help. He could go home and not have to think about how he almost found pleasure in these messed up situations. He could just go back to his old life and life it out how it should have been lived. All of these thoughts ran through Jin's head in a split second and before he realized it, he was already moving. Jin dove off the bed, one hand pushing Namjoon forward and the other gripping the butt of the gun. Namjoon moved back against the force or Jin's push, utterly surprised and so Jin lost his purchase on the weapon.

The gun had clattered to the floor with a few loud clunks. Jin only looked at it for a split second before diving for the weapon. Namjoon seemed to have the same idea but Jin reached it first, pulling back and holding it with two shaky hands, aiming for the man who had kidnapped him.

All Namjoon could do was look on with an open mouth, silently cursing himself for bring a gun in the room and not expecting Jin to pull something. He thought to back off, to knock on the door and alert Jungkook or Jimin to the situation but by the look on Jin's face, he knew he wasn't going to be allowed to move. Jin now had the upper hand and Namjoon had seen this before. He wouldn't give it up so readily.

And so there they stood, Jin with shaky hands and the threat of tears and Namjoon watching the man in front of him collapse mentally.


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Shorter chapter this time than usual -- I'm sorry!! But oml have you seen the new photoshoot pictures for Bangtan's comeback? holy shit Tae looks good in leopard print...

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