•Chapter 13•

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  "If I can't have it, no-one can have it!"

  Travis finished up the date with Katelyn, ending it with a small peck on the lips. Leaving Katelyn star-struck. After saying his goodbye, Travis went to the scene of the party, looking for any evidence that could help Melissa and everyone else finding Garroth and Derek.

Maybe I should check out the party like Melissa told me to do. Travis thought as began to walk down to the beach where the party had happened last night.

   Travis' steps were slow, but he went at a steady pace. Farther away Travis walked away from Katelyn and closer to the party spot, he felt something inside him. Something... Odd. Though, Travis' didn't think too much of it. He walked closer, the feeling becoming stronger with every step he took.

"Ugh..." Travis groaned, placing his hand on his forehead, "why do I feel like this?"

Travis looked at the remains of the party, "For Derek... For Garroth... For Aphmau..."

Once again, Travis began to walk to the remains. Trying his best to ignore the pain he is currently in. Once Travis got to the remains, he leaned on one of the wooden stands, which held the roof up.

"Nng..." The pain grew worse, Travis closed his eyes and then opened them. He scanned the area for any clues, "... Bingo..."

Travis, still in pain, walked over to the mini stage. A neatly folded piece of paper was there. Travis bent down slowly, trying to keep the pain from hurting even more as he grabbed the folded piece of paper. Travis walked as far as he could from the remains, hoping for the pain to subside.

Once Travis was far enough, he took out his phone and dialled Melissa's number.

"Hello?" Travis' voice croaked,

"Travis! Did you find anything? Why do you sound hurt?" Melissa asked worriedly,

"It's just a pain, anyway I found a note."

"Great! What does it say?"

"It's says:
   Ein, once we have secured Garroth and Derek, your job is to keep them locked up until our next instruction. Keep them locked up in the cave, 5 miles after the barrier of Starlight. We should be there in a few days, we have a few things to take care first.
    Sincerely, Zach"

   "Hm... Thank you Travis, oh and get better!" Melissa thanked Travis, "bye!"

   "Bye," Travis hung up, he then called Katelyn, "Hey Katelyn, I'm not feeling to good... Mind if you can help me? Thanks,"


   I'm going to be a father... This is so... Amazing! Aaron smiled at the thought of being a father. He kept Aphmau close to him as they kept going further away from the mainland.

   "I just got some news from Travis, he says that there should be a cave, 5 miles from the barrier in Starlight." Melissa said as she continued walking,

   "Barrier?" Aphmau slightly crooked her head in confusion,

   "Yeah, Starlight isn't on the full island. Most people don't know this since the map only shows Starlight territory." Melissa explained,

   "Oh, that makes more sense now."

   "Anyway, Travis found a note to Ein. This means Ein is hiding Garroth and Dad."

   "Where is the exact location of this cave?" Zane asked,

   "Um... The note Travis found said it was five miles from the barrier. That's all it said."

   "So, this means we're going cave hunting as well?" Aaron said,

   "Yeah it sure seems like it. Maybe we'll suddenly find jewels and riches inside of it," Zane added on,

   Zane and Aaron chuckled while the others just looked at them, clearly most of them took the situation seriously.

   "Stop joking around, we need to find this cave. At least before nightfall." Rachel stated,

  Everyone nodded as they picked up pace on the journey that was a head of them.

An Emeralds Secret [Sequel To: Another Trip Back To The Lodge] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now