Chapter 4

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Jay's P.O.V.

I must have fallen asleep, because I find myself opening my eyes to find my head resting on the side of the bed, Erin's hand still in my own. I sit up slowly, stretching. I look around the room trying to work out what time it is. I eventually spot a clock on the wall, and discover its 3am. I look back at Erin, who's still lying in the same position in the bed. I lean back in the chair and sit there watching her, listening to the regular beeping of the machines around her. As I sit there I silently pray that she's going to wake up any moment now and kick my ass for sitting there all night worrying about her. But the minutes tick by, and she doesn't wake up.

I spend all day complaining at work, about the little things she does that annoy me. Like the way she constantly teases me, but I'd do anything right now for her to be making fun of me. I smile to myself, thinking back over the day she'd announced to me we were engaged. It had thrown me completely, the way she'd just announced it as part of a normal conversation. I didn't mind pretending to be engaged for her high school reunion though, I'd do anything for her- and she knew it. We'd never even made it to the reunion, but I still remember the night clearly. We'd sat and talked for hours. We talk all the time anyway, we spend nearly every waking hour at work together, but there was something different about that night. For the first time ever, she'd opened up to me about her past. It had amazed me, how much she's over come to get where she is today. Then there was that moment, when we stood up to leave. We'd been so close together, it would have taken hardly anything for me to lean forwards, to press my lips to hers like I've been dying to do for so long. But we didn't do it, and now I wonder if we ever will. My fingers tighten around hers without me even thinking about it, she has to wake up. She can't just leave me.

Voight turns up a couple of hours later, and I can tell straight away from his face this isn't going to end well. "Outside." He says as his eyes flicker over Erin's sleeping form, and I can hear the anger in his voice. I get up slowly, following him out of the door, trying to prepare myself for whatever it is he's about to do to me. I've been expecting this, I deserve it. Before I've even had time to turn around to face him I feel his hand connect with my face, again and again. He shoves me up against the wall, getting right in my face. "If anything happens to her Halstead... and I mean anything... I will kill you. Got it?" He yells right in my face and I know full well he's not joking. I'm about to move when he swings another punch, and this time there's a crunching sound as he hits my nose. A nurse comes around the corner to see what's going on, rushing over to us. She glares at Voight, who backs away in to Erin's room, before leading me away down the corridor despite my protests that I'm fine.

Erin's P.O.V.

When I wake up I'm aware that the hand which had been holding mine so tightly is gone. I slowly open my eyes, blinking at the bright lights. "Jay?" I manage to croak, but even that hurts my throat. The voice that speaks from beside my bed isn't the one I want to hear though, much to my disappointment. "Erin. Let me go get the doctor." I'd recognise Voight's voice anywhere. I should have known he'd be there, he's like my family- Jay always jokes and refers to him as my dad and he's not far wrong, Voight's more of a father to me than my actual father ever has been. But right now, it's not Voight I want to see. He's back again in a matter of minutes, a doctor close behind him. I nod yes and no to the doctors questions wearily, I'm not even sure how it's possible that I'm tired- I haven't done anything. But I'm exhausted, and everything hurts. I try to fight to stay awake, I want to wait until Jay comes back, I need to see him. But a part of me knows that he's not coming back while Voight is here. "Can you go to my apartment and get me some things?" I croak out, looking at Voight who looks confused for a moment and then nods.

A few moments after Voight leaves the door to my room creaks open again and I feel my heart speed up, please be Jay. "Hey, your awake!" I can the relief in his familiar voice and I can't help but smile as he sits down next to the bed, gently taking my hand again. As I look across at him I notice his swollen nose and know immediately what's happened. "I'm gonna kick Voight's ass when I get out of here..." I mumble. I'm probably not even making any sense anymore, I'm so tired. But he lets out a little laugh, clearly amused by the idea. "I think you'd better rest first!" He laughs, gently stroking the back of my hand with his thumb. I smile back at him, my eye lids drooping slightly as I fight to stay awake. He can see I'm fighting a losing battle. "Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." He whispers as my eyes finally close.

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