Chapter 17

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Jay's P.O.V.

I keep expecting to wake up, any second now. It feels like a dream, that she's here with talking about this. I thought that maybe it was actually going to be the end- she seemed so certain when I went to Voight's earlier. I figured she was coming to say goodbye before she ran off to start over somewhere else when I saw her car outside. But here she is, sitting on my sofa with me, head rested against my chest. We aren't really talking about anything right now, but there's plenty of time for that. I'm kind of worried if I ask too many questions, push too far that she might disappear again. She seems happy, happier than I've seen her for a while and I don't want to ruin that.

"Thankyou." She whispers without looking up at me. I frown a little bit, her words confuse me. I don't really understand what she's thanking me for- I haven't done anything. I don't even have to tell her how confused I am, she starts to explain. "For calling Voight for me.... For not just leaving me alone in my apartment.... I don't know what I'd have done if he hadn't scraped me up off the floor that night. I was a mess Jay, I still am a mess.... And I'm sorry for that." She adds, tightening her fingers in my shirt. I pull her closer to me, not knowing what to say. It feels like another lifetime ago that night. "Although I should probably blame you for the door!" She laughs, smiling up at me. I frown again, I have no idea what she's talking about. "Door?" I question and she laughs again. "Voight broke my apartment door down!" She says, looking a little annoyed. I laugh too, of course he did- it was Voight, I wouldn't expect anything less from him. "I guess you'll have to stay here then..." I smile and she nods "I'd like that" She smiles, standing up and pulling me to my feet.

I follow her back through the apartment, keeping a hold of her hand as she pulls me along. I can't help the grin on my face, I'm just so glad she's here. She grabs one of my shirts from a draw to sleep in, and as she pulls her shirt over her head I can't help but gasp slightly. I'd forgotten about the huge scar that ran across the middle of her stomach. I see her blush slightly and pull the shirt quickly over head to cover it. I'm such an idiot. I walk across the room towards her and she ducks her head, avoiding my eyes. "You are beautiful." I say quietly, bending down to look in to her eyes. I can see there's just a little bit too much moisture there- why am I such an idiot? "I mean it Erin..." I whisper, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. She leans in closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder. "It's just like I'm constantly being reminded of it." She says sadly, and I know exactly how she feels.

I pull her over to the bed and we lay there next to each other silently for a few minutes. Occasionally her hand goes up to her face and I know she's trying to hold it together. I can't believe how stupid I am, it just took me by surprise- I'd totally forgotten about it, and now I've upset her again. I put a hand on her shoulder and roll her over to face me. She looks at me and I can see she's confused. I take her hand in mine and place it on the small scar on the left hand side of my chest. She runs her fingers over it gently and looks at me questioningly. "We got ambushed.... I watched some of my best friends get shot that day and I'll always have this scar to remind me of it- I understand." I explain, and there's a silence between us, both of us remembering the events that shaped our lives. We lay there quietly next to each other for a while before I hear her breathing even out as she falls asleep. She looks so peaceful lying there next to me, it makes me hopeful that things can only get better from now on. She deserves a happily ever after.

Erin's P.O.V.

It's one of the best nights sleep I've had in ages, I feel like I could stay here wrapped in his arms forever. But unfortunately reality calls. I nudge Jay with my elbow to wake him up. We need to get going or we're going to be late. He blinks at me sleepily and then smiles. "How'd you sleep?" He asks tentatively, and I can see he's almost afraid of my answer. "Like a baby!" I reassure him, getting up out of the bed. "I'm going to take a shower- we need to get going." I call back to him walking in to the bathroom. "I could help you with that?" He calls back to me and I turn around to face him, laughing at the mischievous twinkle in his eye. "We'll be late!" I protest as he walks towards me. "No we won't!" He laughs, pulling me into the bathroom.

We are late as it turns out, really late. "This is all your fault!" I say as I drive us quickly through the traffic. I'm only joking though, because I didn't exactly put up much of a protest. He just smiles at me, making me laugh. Thankfully we manage to get there in record time, rushing up the stairs to the intelligence unit. Everyone is sat there, waiting for us. "It's about time, where have you two been?" Antonio asks. I feel my face flush and I look sheepishly at Halstead. This is all his fault, but I can't find it in me to be annoyed with him. "Ok, yeah we don't want to know.." Ruzek says, shaking his head. Everyone laughs, me included. It feels good to be back at work, laughing and joking again.

Voight comes out of his office and clears his throat, everyone falls silent quickly. He catches my eye and smiles at me. Then it clicks- he sent Halstead to see me. Voight never fails to surprise me, I'll have to thank him later. Right now though, I've got a job to concentrate on. "Ok, listen up. The warehouse we raided wasn't it... There's more around somewhere- you need to find it... The two guys we caught at the first warehouse aren't talking so there's not much to go on... This is going to be difficult.... Get to work!" Voight says, before walking back into his office and getting his jacket. I look up at Jay and smile. "Let's go then partner!" I say, snatching the keys up off his desk. "I'm driving!" I laugh as he follows me back down the stairs. It's just like old times.

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