Chapter 8

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( A week later )

Next morning I woke up in good mood, because I had to go to " VOGUE" company, but this time not as a practicipant, but as a full - fledged worker. I still can't believe it!!! I never knew that I would be a worker in a such great company. I don't know the salary and position of my job, but that's for a while, because now I am going to be heard everything about my new job. I quickly washed up, did my things and then came to the kitchen to eat something. Fortunately my mom has already made a yogurt for me. She's so careful! Then I changed my clothes into something strict, but fashionable. I then took my phone, keys, perfume,cosmetic bag, wallet and threw it in my purse. Then I left our apartment and went to the car to go to the office. While sitting in the car, I thought that I maybe forgot about something. I thought a little more to remember what it exactly was. Like something, that really missed. Unfortunately I was too busy to be interrupted on other things. At least I couldn't remember and focused on my upcoming conversation. When I finally arrived to the office, I stared at it like a little baby, trying to discover the world. Now I am in my job place. From now I will work and develop myself here. From now I'll become a part of this company. Am I ready for it? What a question!? Always! So I immediately run to the room that I was asked to come. Firstly I knocked and then opened the door. There were that 2 women that were interviewing me and also 2 men.

- Leyla, come here, - said one of the men - So we liked you as a worker and almost want you to be a part of this company.

I was staring at him and listened to him very carefully.

- But we think that you're quit young for working here. Fortunately we want to give you a chance. You will work here as an inter. We loved your personality and found a creative person in you. If we like your work, we will give the job of redactor's assistant for now. If you work hard and show yourselfin the best way, you will get a better position. But not less than a year and half. Are you agree with our recommends?

- Yes, of course. I agree to work here as an intere, but for how many months this will last?

- It will last minimum for a month.
So this month you have to work hard and show us everething that you can do really good.

- OK, ı will. So when I have to start?

- Your work will be from Monday to Saturday at 9 a.m. Our best workers will show and teach you how to work as a professional. If you want you can Wath our photo shoot that's for our new Vogue magazine October issue. It's not compulsory, but if you want, you can Wath and lern something already from today.

- OK, so where is your photo shoot going?

I said it in upset tone, because I am not emotionally ready for this. But if it's a bonus, I have to do it.

- The photo shoot is on the 4th floor, the roof. You can go thre by a lift.

- OK, thank you so much. See you!

- Thank you too, Leyla! Good luck! Hope you will like the photo shoot.
I left the room, sighed and took my phone. I saw 3 missing calls from Joel. Why did he phone me? What was happened? I gotta call him back. Dome minutes later I heard a rested, familiar voice, that warmed up my whole body.

- Hi Joel. How are you?

- Hi Leyla. İ am good. How about you? Why you weren't answering me?.

- I am good too. Oh, sorry. I was in " Vogue" company. Last week I had an interview there and today they offered me a timeless job as an intern. It just ended and then I saw your missing call. Why did you call me? Something happened?

- So you were at Vogue company last week and today you got a job from here??? Why didn't you tell me???

- Um, why I have to tell you?

- I thought we are friends!

- Joel, we know each other less than a month.

- Um, yes. You're right. But I beg you to hang out. We both are quit busy, but you always work too hard and seems like I annoy you.

- ohh, no! I am not annoyed by you. I just have to work really hard to make managers like me.

- So I phoned you because you, dear Leyla, agreed to meet at 1 p.m. And now I am sitting in my car and waiting for you. And I just realised that you have completely forgot about our meeting since you were busy with " Vogue". Am I right?

I was speechless. Now I understood why I was thinking that much in a car. That's because of our meeting!!! Oh my god, I was so embarrassed. I made him wait for an entire hour since it's already 2 p.m. Sometimes u think, that I suffer from Altzgamers syndrome. I don't have memory!

- I am so sorry, Joel! I completely forgot about it. I had such busy days. I even don't have memory.

- OK, don't worry. We can meet up next time. I understand you, you want to work hard to not letting go the opportunity that you were just given. I used to be like this too when i was in La Banda.
Remember, hard work pays off. So you will be granted for your hard work very soon.

- Yes, thank you for your support. I will do anything that I can.

There was silence for a moment, but Joel suddenly ruined it.

- Um,so will you have time to meet?

I thought for a while. When can we meet. I even don't know. I have a month full of work.

- When your vacation ends?

- We have a full month of vacation and it will end in November 10th.

- Oh, so let's meet at 2nd of November. Maybe I will be free by that time. And let's meet at lunchtime. In about 3 p.m.

- So I gotta wait for an entire month?!

- But you have to understand me. I have a bunch of work this month. I can't hang out with you. I gotta completely focus on Vogue. I can't let this opportunity go.

- You're right. Then OK, let's meet... next month.

- Ha ha! Don't worry, time fly so fast that you don't even notice.

- Promise me that you won't forget about our next meeting. And this time I will organize everything perfect. There will be the most delicious dishes of my cuizn. You won't left even with a little bit empty stomach. You will have to say that my cuizn is the most delicious and colorite of all. I swear.

- I hope. We will see - he said in his serious tone, which I like.

His mood is very changeable. Sometimes he's funny and dorky, sometimes he's cute and adorable, sometimes he's serious and strict.
I've couldn't catch his real personality yet.
At lest I have to stop thinking about everything, but of work. Nothing will stop me from doing my favorite work, that I was dreaming about all my little life. I have a whole month of hard work and stress ahead of me. I must fight everething and go straight to my dreams. That's a main purpose for me so far.

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